Andreas Klinger

Timeline Hunt - The best products of Product Hunt on a timeline

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Andreas Klinger
Nice little hack that uses and the Product Hunt API :) I am always a big sucker of alternate ways to present PH content.
Sudhir Mishra
@andreasklinger thanks for sharing the nice little secret ;) :P
Tarikh Korula
Server's down. It's been "producthunted" (e.g. "slashdotted")
Sudhir Mishra
@tarikh The server just went for a cup of coffee ;) He's back now :)
Tarikh Korula
@sudhirxps Looks great - I really like the fast swiping animation - what'd you use to make it?
Sudhir Mishra
Thanks @tarikh, I made use of a JS library from the open source community to handle the effects
Ryan Hoover
Well done, @sudhirxps. Several product hunters have asked for an easier way to go back to previous day's hunts (obviously the infinite scroll doesn't work well beyond a few weeks). A calendar picker is an obvious approach but we're exploring something more fun and non-intrusive. If anyone has any ideas to share, please do.
Sudhir Mishra
@rrhoover I do like the current way how PH lists the products. In a way its good that there is infinite scroll, I have developed a habit to check the Hunts daily, just to avoid any long scrolls :P
Sandra Carden
Yes, I like this, thanks a lot. Once the Contract Timeline button has made the spaces for product names so small as to be not useful, could the timeline wrap to another row? More dates, more product names, all of product name visible. I'm another who likes to have multiple ways to display information. (The name up top currently reads Timline [instead of Timeline]. I only noticed because we have Tim Hortons coffee shops here and my brain went to "Something about Tim H's?) <- Feel free to delete this part after you've updated the title.
sree sreenivasan
Great work, @Sudhirxps. Thanks for doing this. You should put an ABOUT page up so people can know who did this! :-)