TF Magnet - Physical time tracker
TF Magnet is a physical time tracker. Unlike pure software tools, this connected device provides radically different UX. It is designed for ultimate ease of use and instant adoption.
TF Magnet is a physical time tracker. Unlike pure software tools, this connected device provides radically different UX. It is designed for ultimate ease of use and instant adoption.
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Wireframe Components Kit
The 1k Project
Wireframe Components Kit
If they keep working on the app this can become a great addition to my workflow.
Pros:The idea is great, and it works
Cons:The iOS app feels really buggy, and it's hard to use
The info recorded by the device and shown on the app or webpage is wrong and useless. even without pausing it, it doesn't record 24 hours in 1 day. Some days had 67 hours, another had 36 hours...some days only record 10 hours even when on all day. Told there is an app update coming so hope its good
Pros:great idea, iif the data it recorded and synced was accurate
Cons:glitchy app, inconsistant data, poor support
I really wanted and tried to use/like this device. Even when the tiles popped off I tried to get customer support help. They sent a 3D print file...I don't have a 3D printer. I provided lots of feedback. Overall it was a disappointing experience...i wish it had been better. I like the concept...but the execution is poor/buggy.
Pros:The idea is good. Having a device you flip to track your time.
Cons:Flimsy construction, poor customer service, super buggy IOS app
If you want to use a product like TimeFlip, you just can't have it working less than 90% of the time. Total bogus product, waste of money.
Pros:There are many tasks that you can put on the TimeFlip. More than on Zei, for instance.
Cons:The TimeFlip fails to connect to my iOS app pretty much 90% of the time. That makes it totally useless
it is totally useless, just a piece of shit
Cons:it cannot connect to the phone most of the time