Nguyet Hoang

FitnessBet - Fitness challenge with friends, motivation & cash rewards

FitnessBet is the combined platform of health & fitness, social and gaming platform that helps users to boost their motivation to workout, stay connected and potentially reward themselves with cash prizes.

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Nguyet Hoang
Are you looking for a way to get the motivation to work out and to get fun by challenging with people you care about? Join FitnessBet and host a private group, invite your friends or co-workers to a private challenge. You don't need to focus in any specific physical activity to reach your goal. Keep in mind to move, take a short break during lunch time to walk or run outside, or turn on your favourite 30-mn workout video on Youtube, invite your teammates to join your fitness virtual session. Last but not least, connect to FitnessBet app to track your personal and group performances on a daily basis. FitnessBet is an early-stage product, we are very grateful for your feedback! Our main mission is to create a better everyday life and well-being for everyone.
Igar Volan
Crazy and great idea. I defiantly want to try it. We do the same with friends but offline.
Nguyet Hoang
@ihar_murashka Hi Igar, thanks for your comment! I have built the app during the Covid pandemic when I was looking for a motivation to work out and connect with my friends in France and Vietnam. And the app really changed my habit to a better wellbeing. In private group you can host a Free group and invite your friends for 1 or 2 weeks challenge. I am very grateful if you can try out the app and send me feedback to: