Francesca De Franco Collom

Time Warp: The Rocky Horror Show NFTS - Collect NFTs based on cult classic The Rocky Horror Show

1st The Rocky Horror Show TimeWarp NFT sold almost immediately @ launch. Remaining 49 1/1s are ‘surprise drops’ releasing @ random times/prices over 2 weeks. Holders qualify for a free character pack containing full set of 9 The Rocky Horror Show cast as NFTs.

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Francesca De Franco Collom The first publicly available The Rocky Horror Show NFT featuring the iconic blood drip font logo from the cult show’s title sequence) launched on June 19th and sold almost immediately. It's not too late though! The remaining 49 1:1s will be released as ‘surprise drops’ at random times and prices over a two-week period ending on July 3rd, 2023 at 2pm UTC. Anyone purchasing one of the 50 TimeWarp NFTs during the window will qualify for a free character pack, which contains the full set of The Rocky Horror Show cast reimagined as NFTs (9 in total).