Kevin Rose

Tiiny 2.0 - Share tiny photos and videos with your friends. New features


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Kevin Rose
We’ve added a bunch of new features in this release. — Tiiny posts stay around until you delete them — You can now reply to friends and followers with video — Profiles give you the ability to see all your friends posts in a single place — Tons of performance enhancements
Sterling Toth
@kevinrose What was the thinking behind keeping the Tiiny posts forever instead of the 24hour wipe?
Honey Raj Varma
@kevinrose Kevin, Tiiny 1 was awesome - I'm sure this one will be even better - I think a great feature add for the future would be 'expression of the day'. Where everyone does a certain expression for that day apart from their usual tiiny experience. Expressions are endless and fun, and I think tiiny's multi-video UI could allow people to see how they all do the same reactions - thoughts?
Tim Finnigan
@kevinrose Looks great Kevin! Wish the best for Tiiny. Your user experience is definitely unique but it'll be hard to compete in a crowded space with Instagram, Vine, Snapchat, etc. Have you thought about ways to promote this app? Maybe you could reach out to an internet-famous YouTuber and have them doing something creative with it and hope the video goes viral.
Ian Mikutel
@sterlingtoth @kevinrose Kevin explains this in the Meet Tiiny 2.0 video on their homepage ( saying: "In the first version we experimented with just throwing everything away after 24 hours. We got a lot of feedback from users saying 'hey I just shot something really amazing, now I'm going to miss out on that forever. so like, how can I keep that around?' so we decided from this point forward to allow you to keep your posts forever."
Sterling Toth
@ianmikutel thanks for the explanation!
Tony Conrad
love these updates - I've noticed more and more people in my feed, exciting to see the momentum.
jeff slobotski
Looking good!
Angelo Milanetti
Loved the "introducing jelly"-style video :)
Graham Hancock
@angelomilan Oh wow! I had not seen that Jelly video before we put together the video for Tiiny. The similarities are uncanny, all the way down to the chalkboard backgrounds! Totally unintentional!
Evan Varsamis
sounds interesting, will definitely check it out!
Joshua Decker
I've been using this since it came out. I'm hoping to see the new release increase usage which has seemed to be petering off lately. I'm a big fan of this app and hoping it catches on fire. Great work on the new release @kevinrose and team!
Eric Posen
Congrats! I like the update! [Edited my previous comment because I just found out they also launched Watchville]
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@goeric see Watchville.
Anish Acharya
Love it KR!
Wilson J Pan
Love the app, but it still feels like another Instagram to me..