Eric Willis

Tictail (for iOS) - Tumblr of e-commerce mobile shopping app

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Carl Rivera
Hey peeps! My name is Carl, I'm the CEO and co-founder of Tictail. We just launched our first iPhone app - a new way to discover the amazing stores and products that make up the Tictail community. It's a first version and would love to hear your thoughts so we can keep improving!
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
@postcarl Carl! What's up dude, congrats!
Carl Rivera
@bramk Hey dude! Thanks! We're super excited and feels like a great next step for us
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
@postcarl yeah really awesome man, let me know if you're ever in Amsterdam again! :) good luck!
Mesh Lakhani
@postcarl This looks fantastic man. Honestly, what a beautiful job you guys did.
Carl Rivera
@meshlakhani Can't tell you have much that means to hear
Huge fan of tictail, this is great stuff!
Carl Rivera
@iorahul Thanks man! It's exciting
Solene Maître
hey @postcarl! It looks very nice. Congrats! I have a bunch of friends who don't know where to sell their work. it looks like a nice place for them! I'm curious to know how do you reach out to sellers? Which communities do you want to target?
Carl Rivera
@SoleneMa So far almost all of our growth has been simply organic word-of-mouth. I'd like to think that the position of Tictail is between the handmade or used goods of Ebay and Etsy and the upscale marketplaces for already established brands like Net-a-porter. We're the home to the upcoming emerging brands of the future, a place to discover them before everyone else
Eric Willis
Discover the worlds best up-and-coming brands and boutiques wherever you are. Browse and search over 55.000 Tictail stores and buy unique products from all over the world. Find tomorrow's stars in fashion, art and design. Swipe through our carefully curated collections of amazing stores and save the ones you love in your personal
Roberto Bonanzinga
@postcarl impressive work!