Last year, I launched a MVP version of ThemeBro, the better theme search tool.
It turned out that searching for the right WordPress theme is a painpoint not really solved by any of the current major theme providers (ThemeForest, CreativeMarket, StudioPress, ...). I figured that an app would make enough revenue through affiliate links to keep it free for end users and so I tried building a MVP last year in November. I got some great feedback from the Wordpress comunity and even made some money. The idea passed the validation test.
Today, I am launching a new, improved version. I added more filters, rebranded the tool, and added blog. So far, we have 50 themes in the system, but more are being added right now.
I'd love any feedback you have and sorry about the bugs :)
It's about time that someone launched a solution like this. I'm so fed up of hunting through ThemeForest, etc. (plus tons of blogs). Really appreciate you putting this together :)
Digital Tools Directory
Traffic Think Tank
The product does not exist. You get redirected to a blogger's site.
Pros:Great concept
Cons:You get a redirect to a blogger's site