In-depth Puppeteer and Playwright guides from the trenches
Tim Nolet — In-depth Puppeteer and Playwright guides from the trenches

• is a free & open source knowledge base for headless browser frameworks like Puppeteer and Playwright. It only features real working example, E2E scenarios, and complex challenges. It starts where the API docs end.

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Tim Nolet
Hi 🖖, I'm Tim and me and my team just launched, a free & open source knowledge base for practical, real life usage of headless browser frameworks like Puppeteer and Playwright. focusses on three things: ✅ Full E2E scenarios running against a test site, ready-to-run. ✅ Challenging scenarios like handling auth, test data and scraping. ✅ Free, open source and community driven content updated every week! You might know me as the creator of products like and So why the heck did we launch this? Puppeteer and Playwright are both open source node.js. frameworks for automating web browsers. They are very popular, but there is a lack of practical guides that go beyond the API documentation. My company relies heavily on Puppeteer — and soon Playwright — so we see a lot of interesting scenarios from our customers every day. So why not give that knowledge back to the community? After weeks of hard work I'm super happy to share the results with you today. Special thanks to my team at Checkly and the great feedback from the Puppeteer team at Google and Playwright team at Microsoft! Questions, suggestions? Shoot! P.S. My coworker Giovanni who was the main driver behind this wrote a longer post on the process of making
Domenic Rosati
What is playwright?
Tim Nolet
@domenic_rosati Playwright is a browser automation framework, very very similar to Puppeteer.
Arjun Attam
@domenic_rosati Playwright is a cross-browser automation library from Microsoft, with support to automate all modern browser engines: Chromium for Chrome/Edge, Firefox and WebKit for Safari