Justin Rockmore

theBin - The next generation of trash bin


theBin makes sure that trash does not take up unnecessary space on your Mac!
📆Automatic trash cleanup
🚨Automatic problems resolution
📝Convenient process queue
📍No name conflicts
🌑Dark Mode
📒Files summary
theBin is your new trash can!

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Justin Rockmore
I discovered theBin on Reddit not long ago and I have to say it's absolutely incredible. The Makers of this product market it as "The Next Generation of Trash Bin" (something which doesn't seem possible given the concept) and they truly deliver! 📅 Automatic trash cleanup 2️⃣ Duplicate file detection/management 👏 Overall convenience 🌑 Dark Mode on product launch Are just a few of the great reasons to definitely check this app out (you get a 7-day free trial too!)
Anna Filou
@justin_rockmore I don't get the point of this..? 📅 Automatic trash cleanup -- the mac does that automatically anyway. 2️⃣ Duplicate file detection/management -- why would I care if there's duplicates in my trash bin? I'm gonna delete them anyway 👏 Overall convenience -- how more convenient can something get, compared to just dragging files onto an icon? 🌑 Dark Mode on product launch -- obviously, the default bin has that as well :P I don't get the other "feature" that they mention on their website either: "Errors resolving. Ambiguous errors and stubborn files will no longer irritate you." I never once got an error while trying to delete a file. At first I assumed that this was a file shredder but no. It's literally only a trash bin replacement that doesn't offer anything that the default trash bin does not.
@anna_0x Same thoughts that came to my mind. I am not quite sure if this is a well-thought product. They use some fancy copywriting to iritate the user with features which are all available with the standard trash bin on macOS. Why would anybody pay for something like this?
Kelly Kampen
@anna_0x I fully agree. I thought it would shred automatically in the background, that would have been nice.
Iurii Skoliar
Hi, Anna! I'm so sorry that you didn't like our product. Please, let me try to change your mind a little bit. And even if I fail, thank you for your feedback, we all appreciate it very much. 🙏 > Automatic trash cleanup -- the mac does that automatically anyway. It does, but we let you configure the timing. Not a huge deal, rather one of those little things, you know. ☺️ > Duplicate file detection/management -- why would I care if there's duplicates in my trash bin? I'm gonna delete them anyway We think of macOS Trash as a temporary storage for files that you want to delete, yet not permanently, in case you want to restore them later. The problem is that they remain on your hard drive, taking up space. We try to solve this problem in several ways, including duplicates mirroring. Even though you'll see all your duplicates as you would with the system Trash, only one of them will take any space. > Overall convenience -- how more convenient can something get, compared to just dragging files onto an icon? We don’t usually highlight this feature, however consider it to be absolutely true. For example, theBin has no name conflicts, meaning it can keep name-fellows (files with the same name), to preserve the original naming. We find this to be very convenient when you want to put those files back. > Dark Mode on product launch -- obviously, the default bin has that as well :P Even though it’s true, not every application in the AppStore supports Dark Mode. That’s why we thought it was worth mentioning. Not that we’re bragging about it. 🤗 > I don't get the other "feature" that they mention on their website either: "Errors resolving. Ambiguous errors and stubborn files will no longer irritate you." I never once got an error while trying to delete a file. We did, unfortunately, and other people may have errors as well. You can simply lock any file and try moving it to the system Trash. > At first I assumed that this was a file shredder but no. It's literally only a trash bin replacement that doesn't offer anything that the default trash bin does not. We actually use to have a secure removal, but it goes against AppStore policies, hence, we had to remove it. 😢 There are other features we haven’t brought up, like compression (another trick we use to save extra disk space), file statistics (that lets you instantly know how much space does your trash take or how many files it contains), process queue (that lets you schedule untimely processes). What's more, we have new ideas longing to come alive. So if you have any suggestion or questions, please feel free to write, I would love to answer them all. 🤓
Chris Messina
I like the idea of innovating in an area that I thought really didn't offer much room for innovation...
Iurii Skoliar
@chrismessina, thank you so much for your support! This is our first independent project and we dream for people to find it useful. 🤞
Daryna Subbota
Dear hunters 👋! We are a small team of three friends from Kyiv, Ukraine. About three years ago we've had problems with system Trash and decided to make an app that could solve them. In a couple of weeks an idea was born, to make theBin - the next generation of trash bin 🗑. theBin does 💪: • Auto-compression: theBin can compress trash files to make extra room on your hard drive. • Seamless migration: migrate all your system trash files effortlessly. • Automatic trash cleanup: obsolete files will be automatically deleted from your Mac. • Duplicate files management: theBin keeps no duplicates by replacing them with lightweight proxies. • Automatic problem resolution: some ambiguous errors and stubborn files can be fixed for you. • Convenient process queue: untimely processes are arranged in a queue instead of causing errors. • No name conflicts: theBin preserves original file names even if they collide. • Dark Mode: get the best user experience, regardless of macOS appearance. • Files summary: the number and size of trashed files are always within your reach. theBin has a free 7-day trial period. All of your comments, suggestions or questions would be greatly appreciated 🤗.
Dorian Javá Brown
I love this product! The interface and animation is beautiful! What software did your team use for the animation and exportation for Swift/ macOS? Thanks!
Iurii Skoliar
@dorian_brown, thank you so much for your feedback! We hope theBin helps you save disk space and you won't have any trouble with trash files. > What software did your team use for the animation and exportation for Swift/ macOS? We haven't used anything except for QuartzCore. It cost a bit more effort, but we're happy with the result. The animation runs smoothly even on slow Mac and RAM consumption is minimal.
Dandy Griffin
Downloaded it to give it a quick skim (I'm a sucker for beautiful applications) but sadly can't see much utility in it. As others have mentioned, the standard trash bin handles most of what is offered well, and for free. It'd be willing to pay for this, but $10 is too steep. And unfortunately, I couldn't get it to process the current load in my trash (which sits at about 55gb, 1.9m items right now) without crashing; I was really interested to see if there were any features that did make this more attractive to the trash (compression is what I was looking forward to, because I let them garbage around so long), but can't seem to get that far.
Iurii Skoliar
Hi, @nemesisprime! > Downloaded it to give it a quick skim (I'm a sucker for beautiful applications) but sadly can't see much utility in it. As others have mentioned, the standard trash bin handles most of what is offered well, and for free. It'd be willing to pay for this, but $10 is too steep. We always put user’s satisfaction over money. That’s why we have a free 7-day trial period for you to try the application first and make your decision later. And even though most applications have a subscription these days, please mind that we don’t. > And unfortunately, I couldn't get it to process the current load in my trash (which sits at about 55gb, 1.9m items right now) without crashing; I was really interested to see if there were any features that did make this more attractive to the trash (compression is what I was looking forward to, because I let them garbage around so long), but can't seem to get that far. Please accept our deepest apologies. We do our best to get rid of all the bugs and performance issues. It’s shouldn’t affect your judgement, but please mind that we’re a very small team of people that just went public. One thing we can promise, is that we’ll keep all the hard work up. 🥺
Max Louis Menzel
I'm all for apps that help you save RAM.