Bram Kanstein (@bramk)

The Weed Stash - A directory of resources & info for cannabis connoisseurs

The Weed Stash is a hand-picked list of cannabis/internet resources such as Social Networks for weed enthusiasts or best Vaporizer webshops, just to mention a couple. TWS goal is to promote best Cannabis/internet products and create community within the Cannabis entrepreneurs, creatives and connoisseurs.

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Anthony Clendenen
Seriously Product Hunt?Persistent cannabis users show neuropsychological decline from childhood to midlife Some FAQs about Marijuana The Relationship Between Marijuana Use and Intimate Partner Violence in a Nationally Representative, Longitudinal Sample Violent Behavior as Related to Use of Marijuana and Other Drugs
Chus Margallo Fonseca
@_configmgr These are really interesting resources to add to the site in the "Risks" section we are currently working on. Thanks a lot for your input Anthony, it's very valuable. I also want to remark, as the About page of TheWeedStash does, that we aren't promoting any sort of drug-abuse behavior, we just want to share high quality (in content and UX) links of a classic dutch product :)
Siddharth Gupta
@osmanify @_configmgr - Alcohol abuse and domestic violence (one of 100s of articles...) on the plus side though, moderate alcohol consumption apparently improves cognitive function... :P
Jonno Riekwel
@_configmgr Hey man. I think you should read a bit more into it. I have reason to believe that you're a victim of propaganda. Check out these links. It's ok to read up on something and change your mind. 1: "20 Medical Benefits of Marijuana You Probably Never Knew" - 2: "Epileptic girl’s seizures cut by 80 percent after parents move to Colorado" - 3: "Medical marijuana opponents’ most powerful argument is at odds with a mountain of research" - 4: "Blocking Science: How Congress and the DEA Have Thwarted Official Research on Pot for 40 Years" -
Chus Margallo Fonseca
Thanks for the feeddback :D @osmanify
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
So awesome how Startup Stash inspired @craigjbarber to create Makerbook! Now this also inspired @chusmargallo who created a directory for cannabis connoisseurs, looks awesome! Right up @snoopdogg's alley I believe ;) Oh, and of course this is "Made in Amsterdam" 🙌
Chus Margallo Fonseca
@eriktorenberg thanks for spreading the word :D
Dan Moore
Looks like @svickers of Leafly already upvoted this. I'm really interested to see how open and positive technology impacts the drug communities.
Chus Margallo Fonseca
@toobulkeh Yes! @svickers upvoted this :) Yes, me too. I think products as MassRoots or Highthere are already showing a really interesting path to explore. Let's see how this goes
Chus Margallo Fonseca
Hey there! We've launched a new version of The Weed Stash with an new design and more content. We'll add more features soon. Feed back is welcome, Thanks in advance community :)
Jim Canto
@chusmargallo What's the latest? Seems service is interrupted?
Chus Margallo Fonseca
@jimcanto Hey, sorry about the last reply. Just few days after the last version (confession) I did a major fucked up and we lost the info. Planning to come back tho!
Chus Margallo Fonseca
@juditlayana thanks for the solidarity =) the new WeedStash is getting closer everyday... and we have a new product to launch (cannabis related as well) really soon.... (in case you want to see the first baby steps visit ->
judit layana
@chusmargallo sweeeeet!!! I've seen some of the videos already via Vice and YouTube, but love the idea of having a cannabis-related video library available in one place. You just gave me some cool content to watch this weekend! Good luck with new project
Chus Margallo Fonseca
Thanks for hunting @bramk! The Weed Stash is a directory of resources and information for cannabis connoisseurs. It includes around 50 products and 8 categories. Every products is handpicked and we've just chosen high quality sites in content and UX We thought it would be funny to do “The Startup Stash of Cannabis” as a way to highlight that the Cannabis Culture is not so well represented in Internet as other Growing Cultures. For the same reason it’s a useful site to find all these (good content & UX cannabis related) sites in just one place. We wanted to create a really simple first version of the site with just the main categories to see the response of the community as soon as possible, but we are already working on four categories more and we are planning to do proper detail pages of each product (as our big brother does). We are looking forward to receive some feedback :)
Chus Margallo Fonseca
Hey there We just want to announce we've updated TheWeedStash with more content and new categories. Our plan is to continue adding new stuff in the upcoming weeks. We want to say thanks to everybody at Product Hunt. We are still astonished by the great feedback we've received. Special big thanks to those who upvote us and those who gave us more information ( @jonnotie, @toobulkeh , @siddygups, @osmanify, @eriktorenberg , just to mention a few). We aren't forgetting to say thanks to these new additions in TWS either: as MedSpoon, Dave or Medipen. And last but not least, @Bramk, thanks for being our first and biggest supporter dude :) We hope you like the new content! Bests,
Edward Tay
is any WordPress theme that can create a site similar to this?
Chus Margallo Fonseca
My second cannabis related product is live (not finished tho) Weedflix: learn and watch!
Rashan Casseus
Is this project dead?
Chus Margallo Fonseca
@rcasseus yeah man, sorry for the delayed reply too (2 years... sorry), the idea was good, but it was built in a bit precarious way. I'm thinking how could I re-use this idea tho... thanks for your interest
Nathan Daniel
order online here with free shipping.\
thomas ross
This is very awesome. I found this product when surfing the internet for the best CBD product and luckily enough i found Yooforic cbd oil. I take this about 30 minutes before going to bed and end up feeling completely at ease when I’m ready to go to sleep. I’ve also noticed that I’m sleeping completely through the night more often, too. After having been taking this for about a week, my general mood has also greatly improved. This is awesome.
James Horward
Thanks to those who came up with such a directory of useful sites, where you can find the very thing that will help you. I have been suffering from pain from my chronic illness for a long time. Hope I can find such a product for myself. I've also come across so many forms in which you can get CBD, ranging from pills to toffee. Therefore, I like that I can be treated without necessarily having to take a bitter pill. THC Delivery