Malia Probst

The @VRScout Report ep45: The Lumiere Awards - Virtual Reality in Hollywood - Discover the best in VR/AR news

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Malia Probst
The annual Lumiere Awards are an event from the Advanced Imaging Society that recognizes outstanding achievement in cutting edge content and technology - and lots of virtual reality content is in the lineup. This episode is an amalgamation of mini-interviews with a handful of this year's VR nominees who share with us insight into their process. Jim Chabin, the President of the Advanced Imaging Society and the VR Society, kicks off this episode with context on the awards and how the AIS is thinking about VR. We chat with John Macinnes and Remington Scott of Macinnes Scott (Grace), Ian Bickerstaff of Sony Interactive (Joshua Bell VR - which won Best VR Music Experience), Sam Wickert and Eric Leigh of SOKRISPYMEDIA (Internet Surfer), Ryan Pulliam of Specular Theory (Perspective), as well as Adam Ravetch of Arctic Bear Productions and Aaron Perry of Stereo D. Visit for a complete list of the 2017 Lumiere Award winners. Special thanks to Zeynep Abes for the interview help! Sign up to get this podcast along with a wrapup and analysis of all VR/AR news delivered to your inbox once a week: Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes: or on Stitcher: Join us: