Alex Knight

The Talk Show - With Special Guests Eddy Cue and Craig Federighi - The big two Apple execs

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Jeremy Peronto
This felt like some developer PR in light of the recent media criticism regarding Apple's software. That said, it's always fun listening to Eddy and Craig. They clearly love what they do.
Alex Knight
@jeremyperonto I felt like it was better to hear from them then not at all. The new Apple seems to be a lot more open with respect to speaking with the public, which is always a good thing.
Jeremy Peronto
@zerodistraction I agree that it was nice to hear from them. The Talk Show is a great forum for the two of them. It just seemed more defensive from my perspective. Communicating in public has its merits. I found Federighi's appearance on TTS to discuss open source Swift to be a better example than this episode.