Sacha Greif

The State of JavaScript 2018 - Discover the latest trends in the JavaScript ecosystem


The State of JavaScript 2018 is our annual survey of the JavaScript ecosystem. This year we surveyed over 20,000 developers to find out what they were using and what they wanted to learn.

We just published the results and we hope you'll find them interesting!

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Aaron O'Leary
Is there any notable differences between 2017 and 2018?
Sacha Greif
@aaronoleary not that many to be honest, the big winners of 2017 (React, Vue, etc.) are still doing great. I think now that things are more settled on the front-end the battle is going to move to the data layer and the back-end, especially as more stacks form around GraphQL technologies. So the next few years should be interesting 😉
Dominic Nguyen

This is the third annual State of JS survey. Each year the survey produces fantastic insights into the tools and workflows profession developers use everyday.


Comprehensive, research-backed, thoughful analysis


Some technologies are so new they don't have enough data to establish a trend (this comes with the territory so not really a con imo)

Ahmad Awais ⚡
Thank you, @sachagreif and Michael, Raphael for all the effort that went behind StateOfJS. Made props to you folks for the work. Also, happy to see VSCode has become a the most used and a powerful editor according to this survey. Basically, 70% developers who voted in this survey are using it. Amazing how that's changing over the years, twice from the last year.
Thanks for this. It would be useful to see more women and non-binary represented next year, please give me a shout and I can share in a few of the womenintech network.
Dilan Dane 🎈
Super useful! Thank you for putting this together!
Stefan Smiljkovic
Nice @sachagreif. Very useful information collected. Let's see how Javascript ecosystem will change and evolve. Especially with emerging web assembly
I wish there is an option to give more than 1 upvote on producthunt :) Thank you guys.
Raffi Muradyan
kurt braget
This is amazing. Good job guys!