Nick Abouzeid

The Spoke - Instantly discover and decide what to do with friends.


Instantly discover what to do next by swiping through lists of recommendations from the people you trust. Instantly decide what to do by syncing slates with friends to make a group decision in seconds. Instantly, make a move... your fav services are a tap away

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Tom Stern
👋 Product Hunt! I’m Tom. It started with my girlfriend and I trying to find a movie. We’d sit in bed, scroll through Netflix, i'd fall asleep after 45 minutes… and in the morning she’d understandably be furious. After running into the same problem with restaurants, books, and products, I realized finding what to do next takes forever. 33% of all search queries are for recommendations, but our results are polluted by general consensus algorithms and paid advertising. Even worse, the problem becomes exponentially harder when we're trying to make group plans, requiring hundreds of back and forth texts usually ending up in arguments. Introducing The Spoke: a place to instantly discover and decide what to do next. We cut through the clutter by featuring lists of recommendations from your friends, favorite influencers & publishers. Choose a list and see each item with your personalized Spoke Score - the average rating from the people you follow. If the movie or place looks interesting, swipe right to save it. If not, swipe left. If you’ve done it, swipe up to power the Spoke Score for the people who follow you. The Spoke Score decides how search results are ranked, so searching for a genre or cuisine will return different results for everyone on the planet. Then when decision time comes, “sync slates” with your significant other or friends to instantly see the saved items you have in common… with your favorite streaming/delivery services one tap away. We hope it eliminates as many arguments for you as it has for us. Looking forward to your feedback! -The Spoke.
Ihor Harbuziuk
Armando Ochoa

Like most people, I’m much more likely to take recommendations on places to go out, books, movies, travel itineraries, etc. from friends and others I know.


Brilliant concept in today’s age of Yelp review saturation.


Still in development. We have access to only a fraction of what The Spoke will be.

Stefani Sparysheva
Cool! Good luck, guys.
Kumar Thangudu
Search is broken. I think the future of reviews will be seeing reviews from authenticated friends. Stranger reviews will matter a lot less because bots invaded everything.
Tom Stern
@datarade yes sir 🙌🏼! We're looking forward to take the way we exchange recommendations offline and bring it online
Quintin Woods
This is really awesome! With so much input, curation is starting to become essential. It's the only way to be efficient about things. Been looking for an internet librarian of sorts 😉
Tom Stern
@qwoods13 thanks a ton! It's important we cut through all of the content not meant for us! Would love to learn more about exactly what you're looking for!
Ryan Hoover
I'm a big fan of Facebook Local for event discovery. Will give this a try too.
Tom Stern
@rrhoover hey Ryan. Totally get Facebook local. There are also apps like Likewise, Rex (RIP), Google Maps. Two main differences in how we're executing. 1. Aggregation: common feedback is users want one place to access their content. When I first started I found my data in ten different apps and updating each app became tedious (as did spreadsheets and word docs.) The slate will become a home for everything you want to save. Stamped did a fantastic job at aggregation back in the day and we hope to do the same. 2. Users want to consume content first instead of creating it: clear 80/20 rule. Maybe even 90/10. We know people consume lists from publishers and friends, but they have no ability to take action on the items within the list. We've given people a way to "consume" the list with three gestures. I'm interested in additional feedback, and thanks for trying it out.
Tom Stern
@rrhoover what's your favorite thing about fb local, and your least favorite?
Ben Lieberman

user friendly


Great concept


Will improve with more content which should be soon.

Kevin Suh

Definitely worth a download when deciding on things to do. A group of friends are visiting from out of town next week, and this is the perfect tool for us to agree on what restaurants to eat at this weekend.


Super effective way to discover and decide on restaurants/movies to check out with your friends.


Somewhat network effect dependent -- i.e. would be way more useful once my friends are on it and active.

Andriy Tatchyn

First of all the application looks very nice. I created a list of my favorite movies and a list of movies I can watch with my Wife. It helps me to find what to watch next very easy. The Spoke recommendation system works very well. I recommend using the Spoke to every movies fun. Well done guys.


Very beautiful and well-working recommendation system. I can find what to watch next in a minute.


Restaurant recommendation works only in the USA at this point.

Natalie Grytsyk-Sikachevska



Can creates lots of lists


can't watch films

Myroslav Pap

Nice product, It is very helpful for me and my friends


It's very easy to use, nice user interface. Smart site) .


Would be nice to have option for watching films.

Hi, this is really cool! The only thing I bothered me on the website was the grainy pictures, this kind filter doesn't match with the modern design (cards and buttons) you guys have. 👍👍
Tom Stern
@zoneofdesigners Aware of and working on it 😃. Thank you and appreciate any additional feedback you may have.
Robyn Hall Stern
Love it. Such an efficient way for friends to quickly decide on a movie or restaurant without endless emails between us!