Michael Lisovetsky

The Q Live Gaming SDK - Add live games like trivia, surveys and more to your app

For media companies and brands who want to engage their audience in a meaningful way, The Q is an interactive platform bringing you customizable games like trivia, surveys and more to supercharge your organization’s mobile experience.

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I'd collected about $150 in prizing and had around $700 coming in a couple of days from leaderboard prizes. I was cynically banned without evidence and have received no communication from these charlatans at all.


Easy to win


Bans players without evidence or reason when they have won or are about to win sizeable prizes.

Thanks for sharing your experience. I am glad others are speaking out about this. They are very good at ignoring their players when it comes to claiming prize money.
dev null
I know of a few people who were not paid their leaderboard winnings and I was not paid my trivia winnings
Will Jamieson
Lewis was a known cheater and violator of our TOS. It’s unfortunate users try to “game” the system and ruin the experience for those that play fairly. We have invested a lot of time and built tools to automate bot and other malicious behavior detection among users of our platform and those tools are available to all of our SDK and global partners!
dev null
@willjamieson93 It's funny how everyone who wins big is a cheater. Are you saying your intended audience is idiots? If you're smart and win you're cheating?
dev null
@willjamieson93 Also, seeing how well your other tech works (see: your T-Mobile game crashing) I am suspect that your "malicious behavior detection" works properly at all.
Michael Lisovetsky
Hey Product Hunt, please meet The Q's live gaming SDK! The Q's SDK enables developers to add live games to their app and customize experiences directly for their audiences.
Will Jamieson
@_liso_ Thank you so much for hunting us. Very excited to officially launch our SDK to the public to bring live interactive experiences to publishers and brands owned and operated properties across the world. This functionality has been the #1 request from brands and media orgs we have worked with this past year. Endless hours of hard work have been put into this by our engineering team and can’t wait to keep innovating in the space of interactive entertainment!
dev null
@_liso_ @willjamieson93 Does your SDK contain functionality for staging a TOS violation so you can illegitimately withhold money from your legitimate winners like your app does?
Rory O'Reilly
This is awesome - love the SDK twist! Can't wait to see more companies use The Q.
Allen Loh
this is brilliant, essentially it renders any other trivia app useless because it allows any platform to utilize its unique ecosystem and pair it with this particular form of entertainment, and they also offer different types of trivia games that are way more fun and creative than other trivia apps like HQ
dev null

They will ignore your cashout requests and all attempts at contact until they eventually say you were "banned for breaking their TOS." I was told that and my account wasn't even banned. It's their canned reply to someone asking about their money. There are tons of reports of it all over the Internet. Avoid this game unless you want to play trivia for nothing.


Jmo hosting drunk is funny


The Q does not pay their winners.

Matt Kamrath
CEO is scummy and extorts people https://www.reddit.com/r/TriviaA...
Bryan Daniel
That is really helpful, I will share it to my friends and of course, I gona find it to try
Jon Cappetta
love this!
Roman Khaves
This is brilliant! Lets any media company run live gameshows without building out their own video tech stack. Excited to see everyone using this.

Play this to waste your time, I guess.




They don’t pay out. Won on leaderboard twice and never received prizes. Been waiting almost two months for cash out in trivia winnings.

They ignore everyone who is asking about being paid out and then they block you on Twitter. Maybe they will care to discuss this major issue here? Probably not.
Kieran O'Reilly

Long time player of the q and super in love with this sdk


Super excited about the potential


Im too addicted to the game

Jason Miller
Game changer. Very exciting from a great company.
Isabelle B

On Tuesday and Thursdays their game is really easy to win because it’s about celebrity’s,tv shows,movies,and music


It’s really fun to play and it’s not that hard to win


They don’t give out that much money


QLive DOES NOT pay, I emailed them about this and they said I live outside the UK. Yes I travel between the US and UK for work all the time. This is normal. I then requested my data and found out that they felt like they had to go stalk my twitter page to find out more information about me. Luckily I am a private person, but this is very concerning for a company to do. They should not be trusted. Now on their US version of the game they are offering 3 lives for good reviews on Product Hunt, this is illegal. Hopefully this game gets taken off the app store. Very sketchy.


Fun to play with friends


They lie and ban players

Matt Kamrath

the q doesn't pay.


poppy is a queen


the ceo who is active on this page offers unjustly banned players the chance to cash out if they give him other people to ban.

Jamie Gainnes

The Q looked like it was poised to take a step forward when they introduced a new game mode in April. Instead they copied a now defunct app but made the game mode worse, and replaced their regular trivia with it instead. While they have increased "total prize pool" from $4,000 to $4,750 a week they have distributed it in a bizarre way. The subscribers only game has been halved and there are now 4 top heavy shows a week of $1,000 but with extremely easy questions. The app features the highest minimum cashout of any trivia app at $25, and it will take you a while to get there since prizes for $1,000 games tends to be ~$1 while their $100 games might net you $0.25. Make sure you don't win too much though because there are widespread reports of The Q suddenly ceasing payments under the guise of a "ban". Don't attempt to get any help in-app, you won't get a response although they have a message feature for it.


Easy trivia


Does not pay players, technical issues are common, prize distribution and degree of difficulty has made it barely worth playing


Ask yourself seriously if you want to work with a company that is as deeply untrustworthy as this one. In their existing app, once you fight the tiny prizes to actually reach their cashout minimum they will just shadowban you, not pay, and ignore all your support requests. You will not get any effective engagement from this company as they have a complete and utter disregard for their actual users.


Trivia is fun


Doesn't pay out

Matt Gardner
Liked the idea of this SDK for our app then after reading about all these peoples' complaints about how sketchy the company is, that's gonna be a no from me, dog.
@thatmattgardner Good choice Matt, I'm pleased that a lot of us were able to come together to shine a light on the Q and Jamieson's shady activities, as well as stop possible clients from damaging their reputation by working with The Q.
The Q live gaming..... I like it! Username: Fakeeye4