Josh Muccio

The Pitch - Ep 19: #pitchonthelift with FuelPanda, Astroprint & Belong - Pavan Boob, Drew Taylor & Chelsea Rustrum pitch to investors


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Josh Muccio
Loved putting together this episode with @writerpollock @p1avan & @chelsearustrum #mysteryshirt @pitdesi recorded this at the latest Pitch on the Lift event at Onsite Tahoe ( Crazy to feature 3 startups in one episode! 🙌 Still not sure how we did it.
Ryan Hoover
Great episode. FuelPanda is really interesting but I'm skeptical about the long-term feasibility, considering people's behavior is moving toward electric vehicle or carless lifestyles. Yes, that's a long term shift but I'd much rather pursue or invest in something that more clearly aligns with where the world is going.
pavan 🐼 🐼 🐼
@rrhoover FuelPanda would definitely be involved in the next generation of fuel logistics (including batteries, hydro fuels). One way to look at it is Gas stations (mostly owned individually) won't innovate as the landscape changes. We will :) Also, we take 1 thing off your to-do list so I support careless lifestyles. As people get busier (and have extra money), most would value services that give you time back in the day. Reg investments, Uber is a good example of how TAM evolved as the company grew. [And big fan of PH :)]
Ashok Kamal
I've been subscribed to The Pitch since it launched (and I discovered it on PH) and I'm loving the evolution of the show - moving around countries, featuring multiple founders and experimenting with different formats. It keeps it fresh. But the core value is always the feedback from Sheel and the investor panels. Thanks, guys. We had a lot of fun with you @outsiteco for Pitch on the Lift.
pavan 🐼 🐼 🐼
I listen to every episode of Pitch the same day it gets released. I love how the show has evolved and so happy that got a chance to be featured.