Josh Muccio

The Pitch - Berlin based startup 'Videopath' - Hear Anna Rose pitch her startup to Josh Maher & Seth Levine


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Ryan Hoover
I listened to this in the morning today. I love that you're introducing more non-U.S. based startups, @joshmuccio. Now, question for you: would you take another meeting as an investor? 😊
Josh Muccio
@rrhoover haha that one got me... Flippin' tables eh? Short answer... yes. But I'd like to hear more about [insert something smart sounding here] 😉
Josh Muccio
Great episode! Stoked to feature our first startup out of Berlin. 🇩🇪 Thanks to Anna Rose, Josh Maher (Seattle Angel), and Seth Levine (Foundry Group) for their help with this episode.
Josh Maher
@joshmuccio Thrilled to be a part of it! I hope you're able to bring more international collaboration to light.
Cat Noone
As a female, (currently) Berlin-based founder, this makes me super excited to see!
Anna R
@imcatnoone Hey! Feeling is mutual. Hope to cross paths sometime soon!
Anna R
So great to get a chance to be on The Pitch. For more about our start-up check out
Attila Ilman
bringing interaction to video, sounds like a good idea. Best of luck also from Berlin!