Every week @tuckermax@charliehoehn and @nilsAparker sit down with me to help with my problems meeting and dating women. I am a pale ginger from Ohio who just moved to Austin.
This episode @TuckerMax and @charliehoehn start off talking about my first improv class and going out to a bar with Charlie. They then dive into having better conversations with women. I recorded my last date so Charlie and Tucker could listen to it (not on the podcast). They give specific and sometimes hilarious feedback on what I did wrong on this date.
1:30 – “That is a fantastic life lesson.” Just show up!
3:00 – I go drinking with Charlie
4:15 – “Then why didn’t you just be fun and talk to her?”
5:30 – Tucker’s conversation trick … asking “Why?”
12:15 – Your perception of yourself is very different from what the girls thought.
16:00 – The one situation where “fake it ‘til you make it” works
17:00 – You can't fake humor
20:30 – Tinder date this week + positive & negative feedback from them
25:30 – About sharing, being vulnerable, not over-sharing
27:45 – “This dude is laboring through a job interview at a company he doesn’t want to be at.”
29:00 – “It was 8 minutes before he asked her a question and it was, ‘So you grew up Hispanic right?’”
35:00 – The way Charlie looks at dates before he goes into them
40:00 – Asking a girl out on a 2nd date while you are still on the 1st date
43:30 – I couldn’t focus on the conversation in front of me.
46:30 – Tucker talks about my energy level here when talking with girls
48:30 – Being in the moment, mindfulness and dating
50:00 – The All Blacks (Rugby) Red/Green story
51:30 – About Meditation
57:00 – Great archery metaphor
59:00 – About being vulnerable and sharing things
1:02:00 – Changing the way you think about conversation
1:05:30 – Having a Growth Mindset
The Mating Grounds - 1: Helping Joe