Every week @tuckermax@charliehoehn and @nilsAparker sit down with me to help with my problems meeting and dating women. I am a pale ginger from Ohio who just moved to Austin.
This week, we talk about my second go at speed dating. I went with Charlie and strange but hilarious things happened leading up to and during the event. I introduce them to my centaur t-shirts.
-Speed dating stories
-How men who compete on fashion have little else to offer women.
-What the majority of women care about when they look at your fashion
-What really matters when making a great first impression with a woman
“-The only thing that you should be ashamed of is not working hard to improve the areas of your life that aren’t what you want.”
-5 questions to ask yourself so you can get to where you want to go
The Mating Grounds - 1: Helping Joe