Every week @tuckermax@charliehoehn and @nilsAparker sit down with me to help with my problems meeting and dating women. I am a pale ginger from Ohio who just moved to Austin.
They talk about how meditation clears your mind and helps you get crap stuff out of your head or at least deal with it and journaling helps you focus on the positive, put good stuff into your brain.
My favorite quote: "There’s a difference between looking pathetic and being honest about who & what you are. [It's] presenting your best side, but being honest about the things that aren’t good.” - Tucker Max
@ Beginning – my improv class
@ 3:00 – I was honest + vulnerable with a female friend at improv
@ 10:00 – How my parents helped me with problems = abusive?
@ 11:30 – Identifying thought patterns and replacing them.
@ 16:00 – Why meditation + journaling helps so much with this
@ 21:30 – Improv as foundation of a social group
@ 25:00 – Being honest and leaning in (improv)
@ 31:00 – Driving analogy / parallel
@ 35:00 – Why I was thinking about not moving on to Level 2 of improv
@ 37:00 – Making friends at improv
@ 40:00 – Past friends
@ 49:00 – Being friends with women
@ 58:30 – Why I didn’t followup with the improv girl I liked
@ 1:02:30 – Relationships are the meaning of life, and most guys suck at them
@ 1:04:00 – Rescheduled a date with the nurse and might have blown it.
@ 1:06:30 – Wearing different social masks with different groups of people
@ End quote: “There’s a difference between looking pathetic and being honest about who and what you are and presenting your best side but being honest about the things that aren’t good.”
The Mating Grounds - 1: Helping Joe