Ryan Hoover

The Daily Gieselmann - Discover breakout venture-backed startups

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Ryan Hoover
I was first introduced to The Daily Gieselmann at PlayHaven when it was a semi-private tool for surfacing startups that were showing signs of traction. This was pre-Mattermark. @gieselmann and team just re-released it as a daily feed to highlight venture-backed startups with large spikes in traffic, using Alexa, Crunchbase, and maybe some other data sources (not sure).
Tom Gieselmann
Hi Product Hunters!   We developed the DailyGieselmann.com to highlight those venture-backed startups that have found product market fit and are displaying signs of consistent growth.  These are in many cases the quiet successes, out of the lime light, patiently executing, building amazing customer experiences and great companies.  This particular feed is a mashup of data from CrunchBase and Alexa, so it’s heavily focused on the US market.  The two numbers you see on the graph are Alexa Rank.  Number on the left is either the first time it entered the Alexa Top 1M sites or the Alexa Rank from 24 months ago.  The number on the right is the current Alexa Rank. We’ve identified a number of companies we ended up investing in with this technology, including When I Work, AppAnnie, Pinkoi and TheRealReal.  What are some features that the community would recommend us adding to make the search for the next unicorn more effective? @rrhoover thanks for hunting!