PE Lieb

Pop Chart Lab - Data + Design + Delight

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PE Lieb
This is probably one of my favourite website, they do the most amazing infographic posters, ranging from beers to cosmic exploration. In 2010, a book editor and a graphic designer joined forces with one modest goal: to render all of human experience in chart form. They went on to amass no small renown (that is, a ton of renown) for their infographical treatments of the varieties of beer, the full array of culinary tools, a taxonomy of hip-hop, and dozens more mappings of cultural touchstones. Now, with a small team of researchers, designers, and soldiers, Pop Chart Lab continues to assemble, sift, cull, and arrange massive amounts of cultural data into meaningful works of art and information.
Henri Floren
Nice :) ! i will order right now ! :)
marian andre
Beautiful charts and nice website !