The App Guy Podcast - 302 : Lucas Gordon of ProductRank
An inspiring project to create 12 apps in 12 months
Harrison Jackson

App Guy Podcast - Mike Mignano, Anchor — The hottest startup vying for hype at SXSW 2016

Paul Kemp
This episode with @mignano the co-founder of Anchor is a year in the making. Both Mike & Nir found me last year through the podcast. I joined their beta. I've never seen an app so dedicated to being awesome for users based on their feedback. The co-founders made lots of iterations in pursuit of a wildly useful app. It's an inspiring chat and worth a listen if you're interested in app entrepreneurship.
Mike Mignano
@paul_s_kemp Thanks, Paul - I really enjoyed our conversation and I'm glad you were willing to wait a year for the podcast :) Thanks for sticking with us over the long haul and for being an incredible beta tester!