Premium Telegram Premium By subscribing to Telegram Premium, users unlock doubled limits, 4 GB file uploads, faster downloads, exclusive stickers and reactions, improved chat management – and a whole lot more.
4 GB Uploads
Any user can upload large files and media, each up to 2 GB in size and enjoy unlimited storage in the Telegram Cloud for free. With Telegram Premium, subscribers will now be able to send 4 GB files – enough space for 4 hours of 1080p video, or 18 days of high-quality audio.
Faster Downloads
Premium subscribers are able to download media and files at the fastest possible speed. You can access everything in your unlimited cloud storage as fast as your network can keep up.
Doubled Limits
Premium users get increased limits for almost everything in the app. With Premium, you can follow up to 1000 channels, create up to 20 chat folders with up to 200 chats each, add a fourth account to any Telegram app, pin 10 chats in the main list and save up to 10 favorite stickers.
Voice messages can be converted to text for those times you don't want to listen, but want to see what it says. You can rate transcriptions to help improve them.
Unique Stickers
Dozens of stickers now have impressive full-screen animations, which Premium users can send in any chat to add extra emotion and expressive effects that are visible for all users. This premium sticker collection will be updated monthly by Telegram artists.
Unique Reactions
Premium users also unlock more ways to react to messages, with over 10 new emoji like 👌😍❤️🔥💯 (and the new favorites 🤡🌭🐳).
Chat Management
Telegram Premium includes new tools to organize your chat list – like changing your default chat folder so the app always opens on a custom folder or, say, Unread instead of All Chats.
Animated Profile Pictures
The profile videos of premium users will animate for everyone throughout the app – including in chats and the chat list. Let everyone see your new look, or flex your creativity with a unique looping animation.
Premium Badges
All premium users get a Premium special badge that appears next to their name in the chat list, chat headers, and member lists in groups – showing that they help support Telegram and are part of the club that receives exclusive features first.
Now we enter the era of digital badges, people who buy something they don’t need, just to get a shiny badge in front of their name.
I love telegram as a product, and I know they need to make money, I just hope you do this with immerse caution.
I’m not sure if paid membership truly worth it... Looks like they brainstormed what they can theoretically add to subscription and just... added everything.
But still Telegram is awesome so I consider Premium as an opportunity to support the team.
Well. I paid for membership to try but to be honest I’m not sure it’s worth it. May be for people who send bigger files. Can’t imagine someone with a need in unique reactions. I was bought on voice to text and a badge.
The second day I see a messages about the release of a subscription in Telegram, but I can't find how to pay for it.
The @PremiumBot swears at the incorrect version of my application.
Most people would move on to other messaging like Session which is free and requires no number and there is Session groups as well... Gone are the days of subscriptions. A lot of block chain alternatives also now for groups
Supporting the team and bragging rights about that premium icon - these will be the main reasons for me to sign up. The other perks are not so important to me. But congrats to Mr. Durov and the Telegram team - the app keeps getting better and better ❤️