Nathan Baschez

Product Hunt T-Shirt - Help us pay for servers by looking amazing!


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Lyle McKeany
Frank Denbow
You should let me design one for you guys!
Connor Montgomery
JUST TAKE MY MONEY ALREADY. But really - super excited about these.
John Murch
As much as I love tshirts (I really do like the design) I am surprised you didn't look at other fun things you could do, like custom breafast ( ProductHunt - it's what hustlers eat for breakfast to start their day :)
Nathan Baschez
Yes! Absolutely!
Ryan Hoover
@FrankDenbow - YES! (you rock) @johnmurch - YES! (next time)
Murat Mutlu
@rrhoover If it helps, we got free servers from Ubiquity Servers, they give 2 free servers to startups each month. Just send them your details (or email me for a contact) and see what happens. It really helped us get off the ground with Marvel, we got some sick SSD stuff and great support.
Kevin Li
just bought one
Ryan Hoover
@mutlu82 - thanks! We'll look into this. @liveink - I <3 you, bro.
Jason Evanish
I'd love to see a Product Hunt shirt that says something catchy...those are the best startup shirts. I don't know what to suggest but I'll keep thinking... years later I still wear a 140Proof shirt because it awesomely says, "You can't spell Capitalism without API."
Ryan Hoover
Haha, open to suggestions for future Product Hunt schwag.
Adrian Grant
@rrhoover as you're probably aware @FrankDenbow may have some ideas re: schwag :)
Ben Yoskovitz
I bought two. One L and one XL. Not sure which will fit and how much they'll shrink. :)
Lyle McKeany
Random comment: I recently learned that SWAG stands for Stuff We All Get.
Anton Lopyrev
Can we get it in a different color? :)
Ryan Hoover
@byosko - you should probably get a small also. I hear they run big. Maybe an x-small too. You never know. ;)
Russ Klusas
@rrhoover remind me to talk to you about this. there are very few hosts that wouldn't be willing to provide you guys with free hosting at this point.
Ben Yoskovitz
@rrhoover I'm guessing they shrink :)
Ryan Hoover
@rklusas - thanks, Russ! Let's chat tomorrow. :)
Ryan Hoover
Thanks everyone for purchasing a shirt! We sold 60, exceeding our goal and generating enough revenue to pay our server costs for a few months. You rock. :)