Andrew Ettinger

COVFEFE Crewneck - Trump's take on the iconic "COLLEGE" crewneck

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Pierre-Marie Galite
That was really fast!
Andrew Ettinger
covfefe > college I'd like to think john belushi would agree with me on this one
Girl Alex
@andrewett best use case ---> vetting dating candidates
S-M Robinson
Buying into a one day meme? Sounds like a new cryptocoin.
Andrew F. Turner
jesus christ, it's people like Miles and Mr. Ettinger that make me furiously refresh Twitter and Reeder in the hopes of finding an adequate vanity product like this :( y'all are quick af
Peter Connors
A+ on time-to-market, not yet even 9AM EST
Oras Al-Kubaisi
that was quite covfefe, innit?
Scott Loader
See this is why I don't try things most of the time. Because I know someone, scratch that, many people, have beaten me to the punch.