Jake Prins

TechBites - An overview of the top tech news from multiple sources


Overview of the best tech stories of today (with the ability to filter on source).

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Engin Saklı
pretty good!
Great design. Which css framework did you use?
Jake Prins
Launching soon!
@keyul Thank you! It’s build in React and I’m not using any css framework. Only used the sidebar component from the Materialize library. Styled everything else myself.
Nic Coates
Nice work @jake_prins 👌 I'm always looking for quicker ways to get snapshots of tech stories! I've got to say, I'm not a fan on the purple/pink gradient when hovering over the story cards. Maybe a different colour that is better for accessibility?
Jake Prins
Launching soon!
@gadgick Thanks! And thanks for the feedback. I will have a look at that hover state and try out some different looks to increase readability.
Really like this. How do you think it will fair against more established services like Appy Geek etc? Also @rrhoover I am continually getting errors with product hunt on mobile safari. The page keeps reloading against my will with an error message “this page had to be reloaded as there are problems on the page” Is anyone else getting this? This is my fourth attempt at leaving this comment.
Jake Prins
Launching soon!
@mickc79 Good to hear, thanks! I've basically built this as an experiment. I wanted to learn Reac, and I learn best by just building something I like. This my first project build with React and I'm not sure yet what I'm going to this with this moving forward. If you have any ideas for new features or improvements, let me know!
Ryan Hoover
@mickc79 weird! Are you seeing this error in other comments/discussions on PH?
@rrhoover yeah it’s been happening for a few weeks. I have screengrab so can email in. What’s the best address?
Amree Zaid
Can we select multiple sources? Anyways, nice work 👏
Really nice! Like @amree we would like to choose multiple sources at once. Great job though, well done.
Aubrey Martin
Very useful.
Jake Prins
Launching soon!
@engin_sakli @keyul @ayush_chandra @mickc79 @gadgick @amreezaid @phisolutions @aubrey_martin Thanks for your comments! I'm considering building a mobile app with the same functionalities, would you be interested in that? Could you let me know if you would rather use the web app version or a mobile app version?
Love this and use it everyday for a few months now! How would I go about sharing my own blog there? 🤣