Chris Messina

Tech Folks - Diverse stories from the tech community

Top Hunter

Tech Folks is a collection of stories from underrepresented people in tech.

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Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Love projects like this that help elevate and bring greater awareness and visibility to the stories of non-white cis-gendered contributors to the tech world. Reminds me of @helena's Techies Project.
Dmitri Kyle Brereton
Hey PH 👋🏾! I'm happy to share Tech Folks with you today. Tech Folks is a collection of stories from underrepresented people in tech. Using the filters and tags, you can zoom into a specific perspective that you want to understand more. It is my hope that this website can be used as a tool for increasing empathy in the tech community. (Thanks for the hunt @chrismessina!)
Aaron Yih
Awesome project 🙌
Daryll Wong
Love these inspiring stories! Hope this grows and inspire more people to do what they love.