"Just The Punctuation" is a web tool that lets you input text -- and it creates a pretty visualization of all the punctuation you used.
It's a fascinating way to get x-ray vision into a hidden aspect of your writing style.
Everyone uses punctuation -- but we don't often think about how we use it.
This tool lets you see, by giving you a pretty, shareable view of what your writing looks like when you see *just* the punctuation.
It can be quite revealing -- I realized I use far more parenthetical asides than I expected (I wrote about it here: https://medium.com/creators-hub/...)
It's based on work by Adam J. Calhoun back in 2016, analyzing novels (https://medium.com/@neuroecology... Calhoun himself was inspired by these lovely posters by Nicholas Rougeux, who took the punctuation from famous novels and arrayed it in a spiral (https://www.c82.net/work/?id=347).!
Writers Who Don't Write Episode 04: Clive Thompson