Jesse Grosjean

Bike - Tool for thought


Bike is a fast and fluid outliner for macOS.
Your thoughts and ideas flow smoothly across the screen.
Bike also works well with big files, uses open file formats, and is scriptable.
Try it, Bike is different.

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Jesse Grosjean
Hi Product Hunt! 🎉 “We were promised bicycles for the mind, but we got aircraft carriers instead” – Jonathan Edwards Bike is a small and flexible "bicycle for the mind". Small enough to fully understand. Once understood it’s flexible enough to be used for many purposes. Bike is small, but designed for real work. It’s fast. It can handle big outlines that break most apps. It’s also fast at the fundamentals like opening documents, scrolling outlines, and resizing windows. Bike won’t slow you down. Bike is open and flexible. Outlines are stored in text files using standard file formats (html, opml, txt). Bike is also scriptable, automate and extend Bike into your own workflows with scripts. Bike is just getting started. I’ve been building outliners for a long time, Bike is the next chapter. Bike has a full user guide and active user forum. Next feature that I’ll work on is rich text support. I hope you’ll give it a try, get a license, and let me know what to improve next. Thanks, Jesse Grosjean