Michael Hirsch

Taskful 2.0 - Deadlines, meet your match.

Taskful is a smart to-do list and task manager app that helps you stay on track and meet your deadlines. It breaks down all of your tasks and only shows you what you need to do today so you can stay focused and motivated.

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Michael Hirsch
Hey guys! Taskful is back and better than ever! With all new features including: - Syncing across your devices - Subtasks - Adding Friends - Tasks with Friends - A beautiful new design - Slide to complete your task - New category colors We are so excited to release Taskful 2.0 that we are giving away FREE Taskful Pro lifetime memberships to everyone that comments with their Taskful account email starting December 20th at 12:00 AM and ending December 21st at 11:59 PM PST. FREE! FOR LIFE! That's over a $1,000,000,000 value if you happen to attain immortality.
Brandon Webster

This app is really beautifully designed, and I'm a todo app addict kind of lol. This is way nicer to use than Microsoft To-Do.




BEAUTIFUL ui, interactions, organization. Very intuitive and refreshingly predictable.


I know its just a baby app, but a webapp or desktop equivalent would be awesome if I wanted to go in and manage/add alot of tasks at once.

Michael Hirsch
Thank you for the review! We are currently working on building out both a web app and desktop app for Mac and Windows. Should be launching those in January sometime. Welcome to Taskful Pro!
Why is this tagged "Android"?
Michael Hirsch
@idahole_dot_com Sorry we are currently updating everything. An Android link will be coming soon.
Justin Nipper
@idahole_dot_com the android link is now up if you were interested. :)
Manos Psarakis



very beautiful design...



Michael Hirsch
Thank you for the review! Welcome to Taskful Pro!
Balaji R
hopefully this can replace keep :)
Michael Hirsch
@_theimmortal_ Glad to hear! We worked pretty hard on it :)
@_theimmortal_ @hirsch94 Crud, there's no widget for Android? I'll need a tasks view widget, I reckon. Many Android users accustomed to Todoist or Keep, etc, are going to be looking for the widget.
Nikita Blanc
I think it was the first case in the last couple of months since I instantly downloaded the app! Love everything right from the first impression. Need time to play with it for a week or so and see if it works. The first thought I got though was – you guys definitely need a Mac app! and yeah here's my account nikita.v.akimov@gmail.com thanks :)
Justin Nipper
@akimovnv We appreciate the support and hope you enjoy your Taskful Pro account! Also, we are currently working on a Mac app. :)
Rob Hardy
This is such a beautiful, intuitive app! Nice work! Any chance a web or desktop version is in the works?
Michael Hirsch
@chuckmeister9 We are currently working on web and desktop and plan on launching them both in January! :)
The Android app looks nice, and I can see the logic of the UI. Thing is, when I'm accomplishing tasks, I'm almost always on my Linux laptop -- and I tend to not have my phone handy, on purpose, to avoid distraction. So I'm really going to need a web app (or an Electron, or a native Linux app) for this to be very useful. christopher.carr@pdxwebguy.com
Justin Nipper
@cacarr well, you're in luck. We have a desktop app and web app we're shooting to release in the beginning of the year. We hope you enjoy Taskful Pro till then.
@justinnipper Cool, thanks. So, native desktop app for Mac, for Mac and Windows, Electron for Mac, Windows, and Linux -- or (less likely) native desktop apps for Mac, Windows, and Linux? As a Linux user, I'm guessing it'll be the web app for me.
Justin Nipper
@cacarr well it’ll be electron so web app and it should work on Linux. :)
Michael Hirsch
@cacarr Like Justin said, we'll be launching an Electron app for Mac, Windows, and Linux. As well as a web app.
@hirsch94 Got it. You would be surprised how many developers release Electron apps without Linux versions -- oftentimes because, as far as I can tell, they don't know how to install Ubuntu in a VM on their Macs. I guess they think that's DevOps, or something. :-)
Joseph Wood
Josephmwood@Gmail.com - Looks like a great update!
Lyondhür Picciarelli
Hey count me in guys. Great work. lyondhur@me.com
Justin Nipper
@lyondhur Done! Enjoy Taskful Pro!
Justin Nipper
@lyondhur yes sir! Always wanted to visit NZ.
@hirsch94 Have been looking for something like this forever! Kc@kcbarrett.org
Lyondhür Picciarelli
Question Please: where do done tasks go @justinnipper?
Michael Hirsch
@lyondhur Completed tasks get deleted after they are past their finish date.
Robert Cavin
Looks like a great way to track progress across long and short tasks. +1 on a web version.
Michael Hirsch
@rcavin A task's progress is tracked A) by giving it an amount by typing a number in the title (example: "Read 50 chapters of biology book.") and giving it a start and finish date. And B) by adding subtasks with or without amounts and then selecting your start and finish date. The subtasks will then be treated as the amount for the parent task. And however long or short it is depends on your start and finish date. Does that answer your question?
Robert Cavin
@hirsch94 Hi Michael, good to know how Taskful tracks progress. Two other requests along with a web version: 1) option to turn off progress notifications on Android, i.e. "You are 75% done today." Tapping a task to increment the progress creates a notification while the progress bar is visible and when opening the app it'll display a notification right above the progress bar. I don't want to turn off all notifications for the app to still get task reminders. and 2) option to see the finish date on the top right of a task to keep deadlines in mind. Thanks!
Michael Hirsch
@rcavin Thank you for your feedback!
Talbot Miller



beautiful UI and interaction design


takes a long time to load on my phone

Michael Hirsch
Thank you for the feedback. We are working on a fix for that. Welcome to Taskful Pro!
I thought this was going to be an alternate to Task Manager, but it's better
Justin Nipper
@koya_io Thank you for the kind words. We hope you enjoy it. :)
Mengxi Lu
Awesome, congrats on the launch! lumengxi@gmail.com
Michael Hirsch
@mengxilu Welcome to Taskful Pro! Sorry for the late response.
Nathan Keen

Information architecture fail:

No sectioning for tasks or projects -- so you get 10+ and you're gone. You are in procrastination heaven.

Task managment fail (!?!):

(1) You can't add more than about 15 projects - you run out of colours and the screen goes white and the projects are greyed out (?!).

(2) You can't edit tasks after you write them - only tick them off. And if you accidentally tick them, you can't untick them.

FOCUS/productivity fail:

(1) When you miss a SINGLE day of tasks, it's lumped into "Today", so you lose any benefit of focusing (plus you can't edit the date - and if you could, you can't do it quickly enough to be beneficial).

(2) When you are adding a task via a category it's automatically got a date - but then you've got to move it every single time you don't complete it (x50 tasks/day). So this is a waste of time. It should default to no date unless you choose one, or there be a bulk way to select and change dates.

(How can I say this so confidently? I'm writing a productivity course, and I've used almost every to-do app out there.)


Great UI


Lots of bugs; some effort, but minimal, towards good structure + hierarchy. And you can't focus when yesterday's incompletes run into todays

Unless I misunderstand what you're saying, you *can* edit tasks, right? Slide the task left, and tap "edit." I kept trying to tap the task to open and edit, so yeah -- the UI is not exactly intuitive for me.
Michael Hirsch
You can edit a task, like @cacarr was saying, by swiping the task to the left. You can then edit the amount completed, edit the task, or delete it. We think provide the user with 17 color options for categories because once you start providing more color options they can start looking similar. We felt like the color options we provided were a good selection for users. If you are the kind of person to have 17+ projects then you can either start by grouping projects into categories and then start creating tasks with subtasks for each project or find an app that gives you more categories/projects. Thank you for the feedback. We are aware of the bugs in the app and are working on getting builds out to fix them.