Tar Commands
Tar commands to copy and paste into your terminal
Peter Brady

Tar Commands — Tar commands to copy and paste into your terminal

A collection of commands to copy and paste into your terminal when you're working with tar archives.
Peter Brady
Hi PH'ers, Do you love scrolling through "man tar" output when working with tar files? I don't. It's powerful but there are just so many options. Because I generally only work with tar archives at the start of a project or at the end of a project, I never really took the time to understand it properly. Always found myself trawling Stack Overflow, hunting for and experimenting with the exact tar command to do the thing I needed. Not very optimal. So recently, I took some time out to understand the multitude of tar modes and options and then document them for next time. This website is that work documented for other people to use. It's essentially the common tar questions people ask re. tar archives, as far as I can see from Stack Overflow. You can scroll through 22 (so far) create, append, list, extract, and list tar command line examples to copy and paste into your terminal. I hope it's useful for somebody out there at some point. The site is built with 11ty and hosted on Netlify. P.s: Always check the contents of your tar archives before sending them to people. P.p.s: I tested the tar commands on Mac. Other OS's may differ slightly with their tar implementations. Thanks, Pete.
Yes, the "tar" command can be very overwhelming. I have to google every time what I need and I've been using it for 20+ years. Great resource!