Pete Heslop

Tap - Loveable WordPress hosting


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Pete Heslop
Hey Everyone, Thanks for checking out Tap! We think you'll love it. Feel free to ask questions, Pete Lead Developer at Tap
@pwheslop Hello Pete, looks really good! how do you keep costs down? I mean for $5 10Gb what happens if you have a site with millions of visits?
Pete Heslop
@deambulando @pwheslop Hey Chema, Thanks for the question and checking out Tap. We built Tap on top of the Google Cloud Platform which means we can be really scalable and still offer great value for money. Obviously if there are sites that are enjoying huge volumes of traffic we always step in and arrange a more bespoke solution based on our architecture for the benefit of the user but generally our price point suits our wide range of customers. Thanks for the comment! Pete
Harsha Halvi
Love what you are trying to do :) Not really been a fan of , will stick with you guys from now on but i guess a shorter domain is just what the doctor ordered ;)
Pete Heslop
@h_halvi Hi Harsha, Thanks for the kind words! One of the great things about Tap is that you can use whatever plugins you like. And yes, would be nice 😀
Pete Heslop
@h_halvi Great shout, we'll have a look at what's available
Joe Perkins
Hi Everyone, Thanks so much for all the support, you've really made our day! I'm a co-founder at Tap and wanted to let you know that we've got some great new features coming up really soon, which includes free SSL for all Tap sites. We hope you like what we're trying to do and really value your feedback - so please get back to us with your thoughts :) Thanks, Joe
Ernie Smith
Interesting. What sort of clients are you looking to get off of this—personal users or more business types? Currently, my primary work client is using WPEngine for its hosting needs, and they're paying a heck of a lot more than $5 per month.
Pete Heslop
@shortformernie Hi Ernie, thanks for the comment. Our current user base consists of both personal and business types - we’re focusing on providing real value at an affordable price. We’ve got some cool new features shipping soon too!
Vivek Sancheti
This is really great and affordable. Shifting my business website to TAP. Few Questions: 1 - Can I upload my own plugins/themes purchased/downloaded from somewhere else? 2 - Unmetered bandwidth means unmetered in real sense or there is some limit on it? 3 - 10 GB local storage, how can I increase it? 4 - Some plugins like caching plugins need varnish and such thing to be installed do you support them?
Pete Heslop
@evivz Hi Vivek, A few answers! 1) Yup, any plugins/themes are allowed. 2) We don't currently have set limit but we do keep an eye out for any 'excessive' usage. If this happens we'll be in touch to advise on a more bespoke solution. 3) Not yet but we have imminent plans to add additional storage options 4) We don't have Varnish installed, but we do already Cache using our own system.
Vivek Sancheti
@pwheslop @evivz Thanks for the reply. @ALL I have shifted my business website with them. Till now they have been highly supportive. Hope they remain the same. And yeah Pete himself helped me resolve few issues :)
Matthew Luke
@evivz Hi Vivek, thanks for the kind words. We really appreciate the support and don't worry, we fully intend to keep up the good work :)
Yiğitcan Kutay Güler
Hi Pete, a quick question what if I need storage greater than 10GB? Do you have the pricing set? Also tried to get started got the error below; Internal Server Error Fatal error: Interface 'IteratorAggregate' not found [dashboard/lib/stripe/lib/Util/Set.php:9]
Joe Perkins
@ykguler Hi YiÄŸitcan, thanks for the great question and for trying out Tap. We are currently working on a number of features which include Tap Pro Tools for users who want more control over their hosting; we're also discussing further set pricing options for greater disk storage - we'll keep you posted on this. Regarding the error, our apologies, things got a little hectic last night thanks to the awesome support from Product Hunt! If you want to get in touch via your Tap dashboard, we'll investigate and get it sorted right away. Thanks, Joe
Maximilian Alexander
WOOW! I moved everything over to Tap. It was really easy. Damn I feel like a spam reviewer but it was finally something I was looking for. Medium didn't help me with SEO but this is pretty narly.
Matthew Luke
@mbalex99 Thanks for the great feedback Mazimilian. Glad the experience was great! Matt, Cofounder
Nitesh Manav
Hello @pwheslop , @joeyboy24 , @mitchtodd4 and @matthewluke First of all, thank you for coming up with something like this. If this is really what it appears to be then lots and lots of congratulations and appreciation from deepest of my hearts. My website is which is a WordPress-based social news website similar to or is various ways. I am currently using shared hosting service from Hostgator but it appears that we will soon need to switch to a new hosting server because of hike in traffics. Currently, I am getting 30 to 40000 sessions/users of traffic in a month and around 150000 page views. Sometimes few of our posts get 300-500 live real time visitors according to Google Analytics report. I want a hosting solution that is capable of sustaining the heavy traffic in coming days. I want to switch to your web hosting solution if it can really help me scale up. Here are few queries. 1. How much traffic it can cover for a month for a new website like Buzzfeed ( see my website 2. My 80% target audience lives in India and then in the USA. Where are your data centers? How do you respond to this? 3. Do you provide any internal CDN service? Do we need a CDN service for speed optimization? Can we use external CDN services like Cloudflare, KeyCDN, MAXCDN etc? 4. Free Let's encrypt SSL is auto-renewable or do we manually need to renew the certificates every 90 days? 5. You have written only a few details on your website. What kind of limitations do we have here? What are the specifications of CPU, RAM etc. ? Is there any limit on max. the size of a database file? Few shared hosting sites provide up to 300MB of MySQL DB file. Are there any limitations on bandwidth? 6. Do you compare yourself with traditional shared hosting plan or VPS in terms of your ability to take up heavy traffic? 7. Are there any limitations on concurrent database access request? I mean maximum how many users can access my website at one point of time? 8. Any limitations on using external themes, plugins or javascript codes? 9. How many email accounts can we create internally? 10. Will we have panel, file manager, MySQL database modifying authority? 11. Will we be able to use FTP clients like FileZilla to access our files using FTP? 12. I currently use ZOHO mail service and to use it I had to add/ modify CNAME, AAA, MX mail etc inside Hostgator hosting panel ( because my domain registrar is pointing to Hostgator) . Do we have DNS zone editor here to do so? 13. How can we create subdomains here? 14. Is this SSD based web space or traditional ? 15. Since it appears complex. I am worried what if someday I want to transfer my website from your server to a different server. How difficult will it be for non-programmers like us? Do you provide any help file/tutorials for this? 16. Do we get our own custom DNS? 17. How often do you take backup our website? Daily or weekly? Will it be automatically restored by you if needed ? 18. Do you provide any kind of caching or minification service like Facebook FlashCache , OptimumCache , Memcached ? Do we still need to install external plugins like WP Super cache etc? 19 . What kind of security solution ( brute force protection , firewall etc) do you provide ? 20. What happens if I exceed my resources ? Please take your time and try to answer these queries. I have posted these same questions in your support section too ( through the mail) . You may wish to answer me privately through mail or publically here so that it can be helpful for others too in taking decisions. Though I am surprised to see why it couldn't get more upvotes. Anyways, If you come up with some great updates in this service I recommend you to get hunted again for the version 2/ Thank you. Cheers Nitesh Manav
M Snyder
Been looking for something like this for a long time, somewhere to host a WordPress site and get it off my localhost so I can collaborate and show it, as well as build super quick sites for various projects and events. Took me minutes to setup and install one of my premium themes, amazing service and unbelievable value.
Mike Jirout

The team is very responsive and helpful. Thanks Matthew & Joe! Great product!


Great customer service, super easy and convenient & very affordable


Can't host email

Gorka Molero
This is awesome.