Matthaeus Krenn

VR-OS - A new operating system beyond the limits of your monitor


An early prototype of an operating system that replaces monitors with a head-mounted display for a revolutionary desktop computing experience. Use mouse and keyboard to get work done, in an immersive environment that allows workflows like never before.

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Yunus Abdülhayoglu
Nice concept, I saw your post on Hacker News previously. Although I think PH is not really the right place for this, since it's not a usable product yet. But if you're going to keep this up, I'd suggest you have a way of collecting emails on your website, to start building an audience.
Matthaeus Krenn
@yunus_abd good point. I I have no current plans to develop this further, bootstrapped, on my own though, so this is as far as this "product" is going to go for now.
Yunus Abdülhayoglu
@matthaeus_krenn I see, hopefully someone picks this up and pays you to develop it further. Or you could try YC, their applications are currently open.
Saadiq Daya
I love it!!! I have been dreaming of this kind of concept for so long!
Andy Owen
What sort of hardware do you need to be able to run this?
Joseph Schultz
So how do we get it? Would love to use it!
Bekzat Sadykov
That's what I always wanted. VR workspace environment for 2d screens, multiscreen and mouse/keyboard support.
Terry Evans
I'm going to be VERY candid on this review. First, How would you play with a mouse over stereo input? point at something and then close one eye and then the other eye, EXACTLY. They way information is displayed is plain boring and does not leverage VR for what it can be. No new interactions and very confining to current computing methods. This may wow a lot of people but I think it does not offer an inspiring vision for the a VR operating system can be. Coming from someone that worked at apple for so many years in their "future technologies" team, one can't help to wonder if Apple is as "ahead" as we all suspect they are.
Austin Marks
This is such a sick concept!
Anna Filou
That looks kind of cool but it would just be like having a giant curved monitor. It doesn't change, or improve (and shouldn't that be the objective?), the way we work now. VR has great potential but nobody has used it to create a unique experience or solution yet. It's just used to replicate real-world things in a virtual world.
Shivam Yadav
From where I can buy this product
Andy Owen
Great idea, where can we start with it? Great idea for working from home.
Andy Owen
Can you rotate the whole view? (so to bring something from the left right in front of you) Or Pop stuff in to focus, so it takes up more of your view...
Jesse Jensen
I like the idea of this, but id there a dark mode option? I want to go easy on my eyes.
John Kinsella
I have wanted this for DECADES!