I loved this talk. Im here in Harlem and I love the opportunities out here but there is room for improvement and I like that John Henry is thinking in terms of bringing StartUp culture and Startup Companies here. I was apart of a startup and we actually did some business out in Detroit and I got to see the startup scene out there. They have funding, there are accelerators and the city itself is very much about rebuilding itself. The pride of the city is very clear when you go out there. The infrastucture however is terrible and its going to take alot to bring it back up. Harlem is similar in many ways to Detroit in that respect, but in no way is it in any shape like Detroit.
I think the Old Guard here in Harlem is very important to work with but I think they have a severe problem with groking just how bad change needs to come to the ways that they are thinking about operating businesses and even opening new businesses. Startups are a beautiful new way to grow new and exciting businesses (Useful + Fun businesses) and they should be more open to tapping into that power on all fronts. Gentrification is less of a problem than the problem that presents itself when you are resistance to change and tapping into new ways to participate in the tech enabled economy you want to benefit from in the way that the tech community has been able to establish its current success. The startup way is not merely a thing of Downtown and Brooklyn business practices. Its literally a set of very very successful business methodologies that have been used and refined all over the US and maybe even the world since its beginning days of theory. I was at an event out here hosted by a company here in Harlem and its was huge but the organization was so old school I was baffled by how much the organization was able to pat itself on the back. For lack of better words, smh.
John Henry is a super motivational cat and I would love to meet him one day out here. I would like to know more about what he thinks the way forward could look like. There is alot of opportunity and thats true because there is alot of people. =) and I hope to join him one day in this quest.
John Henry is a 23-year old doorman-turned-entrepreneur. He sold his first company two years ago after dropping out of college in his first semester and is currently working with David Rose to manage AREA, a new real estate tech accelerator. You can connect with him at twitter.com/johnhenrystyle.
02:20 - Starting from the Bottom
03:58 - Being the Best Doorman in NYC
05:20 - Not Your Typical Entrepreneur
06:28 - The Business of Being Leonardo DiCaprio's Dry Cleaner
10:02 - Acquisition at Age 21
14:00 - Bringing Startups to (Cofound) Harlem
20:37 - Gentrification in Harlem and Detroit
24:00 - AREA: A Real Estate Accelerator
25:10 - Living up to the Hype
28:00 - Ayn Rand and the Search for Greatness
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Supreme Clientele: Greg Nemeth