Aidan Dewar

Supersonic - Bring back office banter with live audio rooms πŸ”₯


Supersonic is the virtual social space for your remote team. See who's hanging out and join in instantly. Ditch the Zoom happy hours for organic conversation. Enjoy working again 😎
Signup for our beta today!

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Ryan Hoover
This is one of the biggest missing pieces in remote work. How does this compare to Watercooler, @aidandewar?
Sam Perkins
@aidandewar @rrhoover Thanks Ryan. Supersonic is similar to WC in offering open space to hang out, but we're more focused on speed and multi-tasking. You can hop in and out of conversations without having to switch contexts from whatever you're currently working on, and if users have their "door open" you can start a 1-on-1 conversation with them instantly (almost like a walkie-talkie). We also let user create spaces for specific groups at work (e.g., a working team, an interest group, etc.) and support both Mac and Windows. FWIW β€” we haven't had the chance to use the WC product so can't say with certainty what they do or don't offer.
Aidan Dewar
Hi PH! πŸ‘‹ Remote work has its benefits, but if you're like me you probably miss the fun of hanging out in the office with coworkers. There are a bunch of awesome tools out there that keep us productive while WFH; we built Supersonic to fill the gap of what's missing β€” all those in-between conversations that make us feel truly connected to the people we work with. Supersonic is bringing back company culture with organic conversations that don't require scheduling a call or interrupting your workflow. If you're interested in trying it out with your team, sign up for our live beta! Happy hunting :)
Ben Schecter
Love the idea! Miss the office but also can't stand forced Zoom calls. Hopefully this can fill that gap!
Aidan Dewar
@benschecter Thanks Ben! Supersonic will be a good fit for you β€” audio chat means no more Zoom fatigue :) Can't wait to hear how you like it!
James Swinyard
This is going to be such a huge value add for our team. Awesome
Aidan Dewar
@james_swinyard Great to hear! Feel free to request access and we'll get you set up ASAP. Looking forward to having your team try out the product!
Mathilde Odel
It seems to be a very cool and useful app ! Thanks for your job guys
Aidan Dewar
@mathildeodel Thank you for the kind words, Mathilde. We'd be more than happy to grant you access to the beta and get your team set up!