Jason L. Baptiste

LifeFitness x Studio - Run with the world's best instructors at your own gym

Studio is a mobile app for runners, teamed up with LifeFitness, the world's largest fitness equipment manufacturer, to bring Studio group running classes to the gym.

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Ryan Hoover
Aha! Shots fired at Peloton's recent expansion to the treadmill. 😊
Andy Rosenberg
@rrhoover will be interesting to see all of the different approaches in this extremely competitive space. hardware v. software, does content/partnerships conquer physical tech? see: https://techcrunch.com/2018/02/0...
Sumeet Shah
@rrhoover Hehe, indeed. I'm curious to see who ends up winning the race (pun intended): LifeFitness, Peloton, or TechnoGym. Or all three in a tie????
Nathaniel McNamara
@rrhoover @pe_feeds Sumeet - our opinion is that making something accessible, with great instructors and real-time feedback creates a winner. Providing a product at an affordable price, with extraordinary instructor quality, and broad distribution will lead to success. That has driven our recruiting and partnership approach. 2018 is just getting started - more to come!
Nathaniel McNamara
@pe_feeds for sure! I know you have had some exposure to this over the years, so would love to exchange notes next time we are together. :)
Jason L. Baptiste
Hey all, Really excited to share something we’ve secretly been working on for the past six months. We teamed up with LifeFitness, the world’s largest treadmill maker, to bring our content to millions of their runners worldwide. If you’ve ever worked out at Equinox or thousands of other gyms, you’ve probably used their treadmill. Why did we do this instead of building our own treadmill? We believe in creating the world’s best content and software. In turn, we’ll partner with people who make great hardware - whether that’s treadmill makers, smart headphones, wearables, or smart phones themselves. The same way Netflix has their content everywhere - smart TVs, smartphones, set top boxes, etc., we want to have our content on any hardware that someone might use to make themselves healthier. Our mission is to make the world healthier by turning fitness into entertainment and therefore more accessible. If we limited ourselves to only those that could afford expensive hardware, it would be really tough to achieve that vision. By partnering with a hardware manufacturer like LifeFitness and their gym partners, we can now make our content more accessible than any other company out there. AMA!
Arjun Ram
@jasonlbaptiste Wowza! This is like peanut butter & jelly! As an early user loving where this headed! Now it all makes sense on why you have been so busy! Way to go! 🙌🏼
Jason L. Baptiste
@arjunram Thank you Arjun!!
Nathaniel McNamara
@jasonlbaptiste @arjunram really appreciate the kind words and the great analogy. We have always thought that having best of breed hardware with best of breed software can be a winning combination. :)
Neil Parikh
@jasonlbaptiste this is epic. All equinoxes?
Andy Rosenberg
Will there be a focus on outdoor runs in the future? Other gym equipment?
Emmanuel Nataf
@andythegiant Yeah… I mean what kind of sad future are those people envisioning? Stuck inside looking at a screen?
Jason L. Baptiste
@andythegiant Stay tuned... :)
Jason L. Baptiste
@emmanuelnataf Hey, it's 10 degrees outside in NYC and even worse in some parts of the world. For example - we have a runner in Alaska, who works on an oil rig. There's zero chance they can run outside, so this gives them the world's best instructors at anytime. Regardless, there are 50 million people using a treadmill every year. We can have it continue to suck or make it awesome. We'd rather it be awesome. With that said - sunny weather rocks and I love running outside sometimes as well. Stay tuned...
Emmanuel Nataf
@jasonlbaptiste Or we can guide people towards something that actually improves their quality of life? Running breathing AC'd air looking at a screen sucks; you're hardly improving anything. Anyone can already bring their iPad…
Nathaniel McNamara
Hello - co-founder of Studio here. When we started Studio it was to help people get the most from their treadmill runs. As a beginner runner myself I didn't know how fast to run, how to think about intervals, and I always found myself listening to the same repetitive playlists. Studio changed that - pairing incredible instructors with amazing music. I was motivated, guided, and entertained. It has been incredible for me and our members. As we built the product, we have always focused on accessibility and scale - making this useful and available to as many people as possible. If you can only walk on a treadmill, we want to help you have the best walk you can. If you are prepping for your first 5k, we want to help there, too. If you are an elite athlete we want to help you push yourself even farther. Now, with the partnership with LifeFitness we will be able to reach more people, in more places. It's an exciting step in our journey to touch millions of lives.
Jason L. Baptiste
@nathanielmc I have zero clue who this guy is... Kidding, he's awesome. <3
Romanos Fessas

I've used Studio for a while, and the new integration is going to be awesome. Great way to actually get on the treadmill and not have it be boring. Fun coaches, really challenging and great music to boot.


Studio is awesome to use


Have to buy new (smaller) clothes

Jason L. Baptiste
Thanks Romanos!!
Cody Holloway

Started using the Studio app last fall for interval and hill training leading up to the Chicago Marathon. Studio eliminates the two worst things about treadmill training: motivation and devising a program.


Motivating, engaging instructors with great music! Programs for everyone, beginner to well-seasoned marathoner.


Not enough days in the week to get through every program ;-)

Jason L. Baptiste
Thanks Cody! You give me a run (literally) for my money on the leaderboard. Lucky to have you as a member.
Nathaniel McNamara
Cody - although you kick my ass on the leaderboard, I still appreciate all the feedback. Can you remind me: who is your favorite instructor?
Eytan Bensoussan
Huge fan of the Studio app... this would be really cool!
Jason L. Baptiste
@eytanbensoussan Thanks Etyan! Been awesome having you as a member!
Nathaniel McNamara
@eytanbensoussan that means a lot to us at Studio. We appreciate how much of a supporter you have been and are so glad you find Studio enjoyable and valuable. Can't wait to show you what's next!
Ben Parr
Studio's on fire recently. First they hired Peloton's previous head coach, now this. Wow.
Jason L. Baptiste
@benparr How do I report you as spam? Kidding. Thank you, love you, appreciate your support as a friend throughout the years.
Nathaniel McNamara
@benparr we appreciate that; especially coming from you. It really is about bringing on high quality folks and giving them broad distribution to shine. the users love it - they see the quality difference and it really works for us.
Lisa Niren
The partnership of Studio x LifeFitness is next level because we are effectively making the BEST boutique fitness classes available and accessible to anyone, anywhere. By partnering with the largest treadmill manufacturer in the world our distribution is going to be incredible. My mission is to provide the best content and constantly varied programming for our members to get the best workout possible and become the best version of themselves. To complete this mission, we have assembled a team of instructors from top tier boutique studios from around the country. Studio is interactive and gamified, via an asynchronous leaderboard that you can access on your phone, Apple Watch or LifeFitness Treadmill, earning FITCOIN, our digital currency that will be redeemable for real world goods, a focus on community and levels that are alliterative animals to help keep you engaged and encouraged to take class and move up the ranks. For us, its not about being the best or winning the leaderboard, its about becoming a better version of yourself every day and taking class (whether you walk, run or jog) on the leaderboard so that you are held accountable and know that despite your physical location you are not alone. Cant wait for everyone to experience STUDIO on LifeFitness.
Jason L. Baptiste
@lisaniren Well said! We're incredibly lucky to have you on board and can't wait for our members to experience some of the new things you're cooking up.
Nathaniel McNamara
@lisaniren Content is king in this paradigm and it is so great to have you helping to bring on the best instructors in the world. Thinking through how to serve our members best is critical for our growth and I am grateful to have someone with so much experience in this area on the team.
Tiffany Lai

If you get bored running on a treadmill, I highlight recommend this! Great music mixes and motivating instruction along the way.


Can do it on my own schedule! Great instructors


wish more friends were on it so I can compare our rankings!

Jason L. Baptiste
Thanks Tiffany!!! Something cool coming soon to get more friends on board :)
Nathaniel McNamara
Thanks Tiffany! really appreciate the feedback!
Jillian Canning
Studio is amazing. As a former D1 athlete, I'm super competitive and love structured workouts that push me. Prior to Studio, I created my own treadmill interval workouts or took treadmill classes at my gym. With Studio, I have the flexibility to take a "class" whenever I want. I find that I push myself to run faster and longer than I would if I was running on my own.
Jason L. Baptiste
@jilliankathrync Thank you Jill!!! Love having you as a member of the community.
Nathaniel McNamara
@jilliankathrync you are one of the top athletes on the platform and I love that it even makes you push yourself. We have always pushed the concept of accessibility and having everyone from a walker to an elite D1 athlete like you enjoy it means a lot to us! see you on the leaderboard.
Cem Kozinoglu
Amazing team! Amazing product! Way to go guys, you are killing it! 🙌🏼
Nathaniel McNamara
@cemkozinoglu you rock - really appreciate your continuous support. can't wait to see you on the leaderboard soon!
Chase Bonhag

This is an exciting product teamed up with the industry leading manufacturer of fitness equipment; very excited to see how big this grows.


Strong corporate partnership and potential availability across the largest portfolio of treadmills of any OEM..


I wish I had more fitcoin

Jason L. Baptiste
Thanks Chase!
Perfect synergy. Congrats Jason and team on this big deal. :-)
Jason L. Baptiste
@jamyn Thanks Jamyn!!!
Nathaniel McNamara
@jamyn we agree that there is huge synergy and we are excited for the future.
Ricky Yean
Buying a treadmill is kind of overkill. I love Studio's focus, and LifeFitness is the only Treadmill brand I know so this is a huge deal!
Jason L. Baptiste
@rickyyean Well said :) Thanks Ricky!
Nathaniel McNamara
@rickyyean connecting with the best of breed is always a smart strategy.
Nathaniel McNamara

I’m biased but I love it. Get your fitcoin!


Incredible instructors, great music, interactive leaderboard.


not enough time in the day!

Ryan Williams
Usually find mission statements pretty vapid but this is fantastic: “Our mission is to make the world healthier by turning fitness into entertainment.”