Chris Messina

Trip - Take a trip. Expand your mind.

Top Hunter

Blending modern neuroscience with the wisdom of psychology, Trip takes you on a self-guided journey to help make the most of your consciousness-expanding experiences. Now featuring Trip Guide, meditations from leading psychedelic guides from around the world.

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Ryan Hoover
Glad you're working on this, @irokharrison. There's a lot of responsibility in designing guides for this setting. What's your process for doing so?
Kori Harrison
Thanks @rrhoover, really appreciate the support. It’s an important question, and one we spent a lot of time asking ourselves when in ideation mode early this year. I.e. how will we distill centuries of wisdom and decades of academic and clinical research into a simple, engaging user experience? We spoke with experienced and new trippers, guides, psychologists, medical doctors, and combined those insights with the research from Mendel Kaelen, Stanislav Grof, MAPS, Roland Griffiths, Robin Carhart-Harris and others. We found that despite the diverse set of communities and individuals that work with consciousness expansion for rituals, growth, healing, or otherwise, a few common practices make up a framework that has been shown to enhance the therapeutic benefits. We broke those down into preparation, exploration, reflection, and integration phases, and translated the steps within those phases into a synchronous flow in the app when starting a trip. Still plenty more research to be done, and many smart people currently working on new studies to better inform this, so this by no means is a static product. I'm looking forward to getting feedback from users and iterating based on what we continue to learn from them and the experts. Further, I think it's important that product leaders and designers can empathize with their users so I hope that my own convoluted journey ( that has driven a passion for helping people doing this work will help inform product from that perspective as well.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
While I have some reservations about rolling out psychedelic therapy to the masses, I'm also not in favor of restricting access to guides, information, and support for people who might be interested in exploring this avenue of self-help or self-discovery either. In an ideal world, there would ample human guides and assistance for people who are interested in chemically-assisted therapy, but alas, there's still too many taboos (and laws) to make such access readily available and stigma-free. Is an app a sufficiently safe way to provide access instead? Jury's out, but my hunch is no — nor do I think that's what Trip is trying to achieve. And yet here we are — and at least things are moving forward, providing access to support where previously there was little to none that was publicly readily available.
Savannah Peterson
@chrismessina very excited to design intersecting with this space. Tools like this make the conversation easier to have. Really glad to see this out in the wild.
Andrew Simon Thomas
@chrismessina @savissavvy agreed, and for the longest time the only resources available have been communities like Erowid. Tools like this (I hope) can help break down the barriers.
Kori Harrison
Expanding the mind is just the beginning. It is the set and setting before and during, and the reflection done after trips that supports lasting personal growth. We designed Trip as a tool to support that. Through our research, we learned that many people already use their phones as a tool for tripping. The most common reasons were for music, writing notes or journaling, and voice recording. Now, they can have all three in one place. Trip helps you maximize these experiences, self-discoveries, and growth through intention setting, mood tracking, personalized music, and guided journaling. We’re currently offering invite-only access. Sign up now at and download the app on: iOS: Android:
Isaac Naor
@irokharrison Fascinating! Thank you for exploring this space and bringing a product to market to serve this need at scale!
Ronan Levy
Trip was born out of the realization that as psychedelics and consciousness expansion moves mainstream, there are going to be a lot of people out there experimenting with meditation, breathwork and legal natural or medically prescribed products (i.e. tripping), but doing so without the right practices, support our tools. So we built Trip so people can more safely and intelligently make the most out of their consciousness expanding activities. The app takes the custom developed protocols that we have built for our @FieldTripHealth centers and makes them available to anyone doing work with consciousness expansion. Trip is not intended to be a substitute for properly supervised medical and psychological care, but it can help you get the most out of your consciousness-expanding practices!
Mike Orren
?makers Love the concept. I, um, have reason to use it planned for Saturday, so I would love to get access. 😄
Tucker Max
As someone who has done many guided therapies with many different medicines and is pretty experienced in the space, this app works really well for what it does. And I would guess its going to be adding a lot eventually.
Harrison Gross
Great, take the last vestige of the realm of nature, human expression and organic connections, and dilute it into a "product". You know not EVERYTHING ON THIS PLANET needs to be made into an app. Psychedelics will never be an exact science and there is no replacing a real guru who can induct you into this world safely. Also has anyone here actually tried to use a phone while on mushrooms or acid? Difficult and uncomfortable. Psychedelia is meant to transport you on a journey of the self, no guidebook or instruction will apply to everyone. Whatever info presented here could be useful to one person but absolutely horrifying to another. That's the chimerical nature of psychs that has prevented any product like this from becoming successful. Stick to sharing information about psychs, or actually manufacturing them, not commodotizing into an app something that is spiritual, mysterious and as close to the essence of humanity as it is possible to get. You're only weakening its power, by trying to pigeonhole psychedelics into just another millennial activity that you can learn how to do right on youtube or from an app. This things are dangerous and they affect everyone differently. You're setting yourself up for a huge amount of liability when someone thinks they can trip safely because they've been on your app for 5 minutes. Any trip can result in serious injury or mental damage if it is done without an experienced guru.
Eran Balter
This really interests me , though I think you should cherish the time spent by the user, I can understand a waiting list after having spent time downloading and running your app (it’s a turn off but I understand it) but what got me upset and I couldn’t understand is the instruction that appeared in your welcome screen to click to go to your site and re-enlist again. Better just assuring the user they would get a proper notification when the app is ready .. good luck
Kori Harrison
@eran_balter Hi Eran, thanks for your feedback. The note on the welcome screen says that if you've already signed up that you're on the list, no need to re-enlist. Our intent with the rolling release is to get engaged feedback from small sets of users at a time. This is an entirely new concept (in app form at least), so the initial rounds of feedback will be key for roadmapping. Really appreciate your understanding and patience!
Daniel Dietzel
So is this like an LSD sitter as an app, or a way to trip without LSD?
Stu Kelly
I feel a lot of user's here are commenting without the experience of having any psychedelic trip before. I understand that you want to guide these trips into a meaningful learning experience but I couldn't think of anything worse than staring at a phone screen for 6-14 hours. The best trips are ones that you discover yourself, and not things that are guided by a blanket application. Also, music, I really wouldn't want to listen to preset meditation music, when I have access to what I love. The best environment that you can be in when tripping is the outdoors, so this app can only really cater to the urbanites. Then again, if you are truly respectful of psychedelics, you'd plan your day accordingly so you can get yourself in the outdoors. Before and after a trip I can see this being useful. During? Not so much. Please market this as a meditation app, and not one to be used when under the influence of psychedelics.
Ronan Levy
@stukelly it's not designed to have people stare at their screen during an experience. During whatever path to consciousness expansion you choose, the app has a very simple voice recording tool so you can document your experiences as they come up. It's really a companion to your experience not a guide.
Bharadwaj Giridhar
Mind-boggling idea. Would love to try it, I'll follow up with my experience here!
Huda Mohammed
As if you were doing a walking meditation... I liked it 👍🏼
Divya Kshitij
Seems interesting, visuals are good. Normally we imagine these kind of animations. The app came to me when i was upset... looking forward to get my email activated and use the app.
Adam F. Naughton
Downloaded it to try but got waitlisted. Excited to use it if I can procure some psilocybin or LSD—which, since I live in the land of the "free," is both difficult and dangerous. But I very much appreciate the attempt and look forwarding to exploring the app someday. Namaste comrades!
Isaac Naor
Fascinating product, @chrismessina! I can't wait to dig in and explore it!
Dmitry Borody
Great initiative for an important cause. Happy to see it's backed up by such a strong team! Wish you success in changing this world – literally. 🙌
M Rolfer
Download, turn on, tune in, dropout
Parham Hajzavar
Really cool idea and as others mentioned, a huge responsibility. But it seems that the guide is well-researched and backed by professionals. Can't wait to give it a try.
Valentin D
Nice idea. Looks like my usual week-end setup trio (Minimal + ketamine + notebook). Still on paper because some drugs makes you unable to use your phone...