Hi hunters, my colleague James and I put this together - we wanted to give you easily accessible / browsable reference access to a ton of statistical data about all places in the US (state, city, county, neighborhood, block, etc - it goes pretty deep, data currently from the US Census, may add more later).
Note the semi-interactive data maps that quickly let you pin-point which places are high/low on that particular scale, and once you get into it there's a ton of data to geek out on - you can tell a surprising amount about a place by checking out the distribution of people, incomes, education levels, etc.
For example SF:
Or the evolving race demographics in Austin, TX:
Great information you provided about Statistical Atlas. Thanks, it makes me think. I wrote a post that adds to the conversation - https://HomesForSale.Vegas/Las-V... with Las Vegas Fun Facts as well as interactive maps for homes for sale. Your readers might find them fun and interesting. Again, thanks for sharing your information with others.
Kurt Grosse
Realtor and Former NV Building Engineer