Hussain Fakhruddin

Static Forms - Free HTML forms for your static websites


Yet another form for your static website. Easily integrate your HTML forms with your email following few simple steps.
Currently Supports:
- Predefined fields.
- Custom fields.
- Simple form submissions.
- Javascript form submissions.
- Honeypot field

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Hussain Fakhruddin
Hi Guys, please feel free share your feedback on this. I developed it using serverless tech stack and hence able to provide the service for free. For those who are interested front-end is deployed on Zeit and back-end using AWS Services like, Lamda, DynamoDB, SES, SNS, etc. Roadmap includes: - Custom honeypot fields - Integration with Recaptcha
Ammar Fakhruddin
Extremely simple to use and seamless integration. Thank you.
This looks awesome!
Ammar Quettawala
Hi @hussainanjar , cool thing! Thanks for the effort.
wasif rashid
Hi Hussain, actually i am trying to use it but i am getting API error can you please check ?
Hussain Fakhruddin
@wasif_rashid I hope you were able to sort it out as I don't see any errors at our end and the service is running smoothly
Jaime Smeke
Awesome product @hussainanjar ! Are you planning any way to customize the email message? Particularly useful for translating the emails. Thanks!