Alex Isaynacuzigottagetdismoney

UXProof — Gather experts’ feedback on your design prototype

Create an excellent design with the help of experienced designers who are ready to provide you their feedback on your prototypes.

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Joseph Abraham
@tenhekiguriki great product, much needed for a lot of product and saas companies. Will surely decrease the onboarding churn 🌟
Alex Briukhovetskyi
Hey guys, great idea. A quick question - how do you select UX professionals for your platform?
Mohamad Houri
thats a nice concept, very useful I actually needed that last week:)
Nik Hazell
Interesting! Would you look to integrate user-testing as well, or bundle something together with someone like ? Seems like expert opinion + user feedback is the gold standard!
Alex Isaynacuzigottagetdismoney
@nik_hazell Great idea, we’ll take a look on it.
Alex Isaynacuzigottagetdismoney
Hey Hunters! Let me present you with the platform for gathering experts’ feedback on your design prototype. It's the gathering of designers experts built on the Standuply Experts Platform. Let me know your feedback on this community and welcome to join.
Girdharee Saran
Very cool idea! Congrats!
@tenhekiguriki Seems a good product, good luck with the launch on PH! 🚀
Sunil Dabade
This is a great product!
Teodora Tatu
Wow, useful product! Hope a lot of people will encounter the product!
Nagesh Pobbathi
Design is a very collaborative/iterative process. I hope this makes design reviews accessible to solo designers doing freelance work or in companies that don't have many experts in house.
Nice concept as it gives a scope of improvement as you learn from feedbacks. Congrats on the launch
Ashley Porciuncula
This is a great idea! Congratulations on your launch!
ayush gupta
Really interesting concept! Most startup companies like mine need professional help with their designs, this would definitely bring in the expert touch to get an edge. Would love to know more about the process of UXProof.
Puneet Joshi
UXProof seems like a great concept for companies seeking professional help with their designs. I love the feature of being able to discuss one-to-one with experts. Would the experts help with the prototype till the end product is created?
Daria Donato
Thank you for this!! Downloading to use as we speak. Will provide more feedback once I give it a whirl.