Zach Holman

Stack Decisions - An easy way to share why you chose the tools in your stack

Quickly explain what's in your stack & instantly get in front of the growing StackShare community of 250K+ developers. Decisions are longer than a tweet & much shorter than a Medium post.

We’re launching this w/some of the most ❤️ tools on StackShare, including Microsoft .NET, DigitalOcean, Postman, Codecov, Auth0, Algolia, Kong, Sentry, & Zulip

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Hey everyone! 👋🏾 I'll just get right to it: StackShare has always let you share WHAT tools you use in your stack, today marks the beginning of the journey to let you share WHY and HOW you use those tools. Decisions are better than a tweet and much shorter than a Medium post. You just write a quick paragraph about the problem you faced, tag the tools you decided to use to solve the problem, hit the post button and the entire StackShare community of 250K developers can instantly discover what you wrote through their Feed. We believe sharing technology decisions should be as commonplace as writing an organized and thorough Ultimately, our goal is to increase the net amount of knowledge about technology accessible to all developers, which in turn will help make you more productive at work. Contributing Stack Decisions gives you instant visibility amongst other developers who care about the tech you’re talking about, and gives you the opportunity to discuss the technical details associated with that decision. With more Decisions contributions, your community reputation will increase. Over time, you’ll have a repository of knowledge that you’ve contributed that you can point to (similar to a public GitHub profile), which you can use to give others insights into how you make technology decisions. This matters because today the reality is that the code you choose not to write is often times just as important as the code you do write. Our entire team has been working hard on this for the better part of this year and iterating towards what you see little by little alongside the StackShare community. Today we're happy to finally share it with the Product Hunt community and the entire world! If you want to see some cool Decisions from our team about which technology we chose to use to build this (Decisions about Decisions 🤯) head over here: Thank you to all our partners that got their communities on board- this is just the beginning! Happy to answer questions! - Yonas
Jordi Mon Companys
@yonasbe This is just great. There's some narrative there better than product reviews. It's interesting for both marketers and users themselves. Congrats on this!
@mordodemaru thanks Jordi! We tried to stay as far away from a reviews experience as possible (we don't believe they're helpful for software) so I'm glad it's showing :) We'll have more things for marketers soon enough!
Greg Ratner
This is my go-ton resource for industry trends and insights. Highly valuable for any technology leader!
@gregratner thanks a lot Greg! You guys make the switch to EKS yet? :)
@gregratner sounds like a new Decision to me! Haha. Let us know how it goes :)
Josh Dzielak
Disclaimer: StackShare is a client of mine and I worked on Stack Decisions... now with that out of the way, I want to say I'm super excited that it's released today! 🎉 ✨ If you want to know about the inspiration behind this feature, read on. Bad technology decisions can haunt engineers for years. It's one of the scariest things you ever have to do as a developer—to decide right now on tools that will shape your team's and your users' experience for YEARS. To make it worse, in 2018 you have to make more technology decisions per project than ever. I mean, have you seen the length of package.json files recently??? 🤦 With Stack Decisions, our goal is to make this less scary. We know that developers make better, more confident decisions when they can learn from and talk to other developers who've made that decision before. Stack Decisions is all about facilitating that exchange, by plugging into the backbone of StackShare's massive catalog of dev tools. It's not just developers that benefit from sharing decisions, it's also developer tool makers and the people that represent them like developer advocates and evangelists. When I was a developer advocate at Algolia and Keen IO, two of the most important things I needed to understand were "why do developers decide to use our tool vs. the competition?" and "what are developers using our tool to do?" I wanted better insight into the developer's decision-making process, both so I could give them the best guidance for their situation and so I could accurately tell my company what developers were expecting from us. Our launch partners for Stack Decisions are companies who make developer tools and need to understand the answers to these questions too. That's why they came on board and are throwing their weight behind this idea. Let's work together to improve the state of technology decision making 🤔💻 🌈 🙌 Your feedback is critical to making this feature as good as it can be. Let us know what you think!
@dzello about to replace my comment with yours 😂Well said Josh! Couldn't have gotten here without you. A bit more context for everyone: when Josh first started consulting for us he created an internal document outlining the thoughts above in more detail and it became our team's guiding light (bka product bible). Technology decisions are often complex and nuanced, and we realized we were only looking at the output by showing stacks, all the input was lost because there was no good existing way to capture it. Which brings us to today :) Excited to hear what the community thinks!
Congrats to the team on this launch. Could be really powerful if more people start to talk about their tech decisions. I personally enjoy articles by companies about their tech stack. For instance unsplash: or the guys from codepen: Keep up the good work!
@tschellenbach thanks for all your help Thierry! Couldn't have done this without Stream in our stack :)
Sumit Seth

cool site


Everything in one place


Need a lot more data in there

Jordi Mon Companys

I believe this is a step forward in the world of software comparison and product review services. It provides so much context to the decision to buy, the actual use of tools that it's just great to make your mind up with solid references.


More insight to buying decisions. More context to usage than average product reviews.


That narrative can always be somehow a bit elusive.

Michael Probert
I think this is super cool. @yonasbe I think it would be great to have a list of "Decisions" on the Tools pages for people researching. It would also be helpful for me to see "Decisions" about why people *stopped* using a given tool! Congratulations on the Launch 🤙
@jmichaelprobert absolutely. Decisions are going to be available across the site soon :) And we have been thinking the same thing regarding switching away from tools. Appreciate the feedback- spot on with our roadmap actually haha. Stay tuned!
Nasser Khan

Easy way to share and read honest technical decisions from real devs.


More efficient than maintaining an eng blog. See how fellow devs chose their tools.


Not as fully featured for blogging as Medium, etc

Justin Dorfman
It would great to have BackYourStack integrated somehow. Help support the maintainers of these tools in each stack.
@jdorfman yup saw that not too long ago and thought it was awesome! Very interested in seeing if there's a way to integrate/collaborate. We see so many companies relying on open source that they don't support more often than not because there isn't an easy way. Would love to follow up over DM if you're involved with it!
Mike Endale
Fantastic launch, @stackshare team. This will be an amazing resource as devs evaluate stacks they'd like to use.
@stackshare @mikeendale absolutely. Today is just the starting line for Decisions, so we're excited too!
Jarod Stewart
Was hoping for some more uniformity in answers and more curated questions that are answered across all of the answers.