We are really excited to introduce The SaaS CTO Security Checklist today on Product Hunt.
The idea for the SaaS CTO Security Checklist came after talking to tens of startup CTOs. Most CTOs today have a software engineering background but have only limited knowledge about securing applications at scale. The goal of this checklist is to provide a basic go-to resource to solve that issue.
Feel free to share your thoughts and contribute to the Github repository!
As a first-time startup CTO, security is an area where I've found really little good content.
The breakdown by stage is really great (because you can't worry about everything at the beginning).
Cool idea to open source it too!
This is a great contribution to the early stage community. We have encountered security questions frequently during customer development and this would have made dealing with those questions a whole lot easier. π
Great list! Thanks. We need more people to be aware of security issues, and at an early stage. Be aware of the Security Debt, it's cheaper to do right from the beginning
Just stumbled across this very useful tool, and happy to see "never roll your own crypto" on there. I'm going to send run it by my team, as it might be a great resource for our users.
Summer Bod 2020
Website Grader from SECUR1TY
Virgil Security