Hi everyone!
And a big thanks to @erictwillis and @PolymailApp💌 for helping us out!
We created Splore in an attempt to rethink social media without the involvement of a follower/following system. Let’s face it, social media platforms favor content coming from accounts with large followings without much regard given to content posted by those who lack big followings. With Splore, virality of content is determined solely based on the quality of the content. We crowd source public opinion as to what should receive the highest exposure, and content trends to the top of the community accordingly. It is fundamentally different from other platforms because Sploreans are joining communities by following hashtags not each other. Here is how it works:
1. People follow hashtags
2. Communities form out of people following hashtags
3. People post photos into the hashtags
4. We crowd-source the opinion of community members in each hashtag to promote the best content
Users' Favorite Features:
- Gyroscope Technology
- Threaded Comments
- Intelligent Notifications
- Curated Interests
- UpVote Economy
- Image Quality
- Instant Exposure
🔥Join the movement: http://bit.do/sploreph
*Follow and tag #producthunt on Splore! We'll be featuring your top images next week :)
@chriskarimian@erictwillis@polymailapp hey, this looks great. One question though, except for the hashtag part, is there any other different between you and Instagram?
@rotemthegolfer@erictwillis@polymailapp Hi Rotem, thanks so much for the inquiry! And yes, they are fundamentally different products! Firstly, Splore supports a multi-threaded comment system, which is crucial for thought-provoking discussions to occur between users. Secondly, we do not compress our image quality as much, allowing for higher resolution photos to live within Splore. Thirdly, we administer a point system, rewarding users who engage in their communities frequently. Lastly, Splore's notification system is geared towards informing users about things happening within their communities, rather than the focus be on them personally. Unfortunately, there's much more to discuss on this matter but I really hope I answered your question and thank you for taking the time to comment!
@chriskarimian@erictwillis@polymailapp Great answer and it does sounds like a Splore is quite different from Instagram. I was also really impressed from the app which looks beautiful. Good luck!
@teriboron Hi Teri! Yes, we get this question often, and unfortunately it's not ready yet, but we expect Android to be fully available by end of this year 😃
As a designer myself, Splore is hands down one of the most beautifully-designed products I have ever used - easily one of the most aesthetically stunning experiences on iOS!
@foolywk Thank you Brandon. We really appreciate the compliment and look forward to building the future of Splore with design as one of our core focuses.
Why is Splore love?
1) It demands a great photo. I love seeing what others are doing as far as the creative and artsy stuff. I have found myself looking eager to capture dynamic pictures on my phone as I enjoy the back and forth motion of looking at photos.
2) I love the upvoting economy. Now that Splore appears to be gaining interest I have seen so many noteworthy photos and communities developing thanks to the algorithm implemented.
3) Following the hashtag, not the person... Thank you for letting me have an endless feed of my own interests
4) I very much enjoy seeing what's trending in each category seems to be really organic.
👌 👐 ✌
I am really excited to start using Splore 2.0!
I am really drawn to the fact that you don't need an existing following to have your content trend and go viral!
Your product has inspired some great ideas from me for some hashtags I can't wait to find/create!
One unique use case I have thought of for you is that you may wish to pre-emptively create hashtags for live events so for example: Concert attendees can duel to see who can get the best picture of the night!
I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I will enjoy Splore 2.0! :)
Jaswinder Brar
@jay_bee12345 Thank you so much for your kind words, they are truly humbling! In regards to the concert hashtag idea, we think it is an amazing idea! How fascinating to think of Splore being used that way! We would love to include that in our pipeline! Thanks so much JB :)
@chriskarimian Wedding & Special Events, and Various Modelling Photographers can show off their works and promote their services via your product too!
Best regards to your success!
The immersive Splore feed is a much more fun experience than Instagram's discover feature. I'm stuck metering my likes and comments on Instagram now, worried about how they'll affect my algorithmic feed in the future. I can vote for quality on Splore and I know I'll be served good content consistently!
@thomas_iwasaki interesting take! My newest strategy on instagram is to like every single photo that crosses my home feed in the hopes of fooling it back to chronological order haha
Hi all! I'm Samy, co-founder and Head of Product & Design at Splore.
2 years ago my cofounding team and I set out to create a global platform where users can share photos to anyone in the world based on interests. Following #hashtags is a perfect (and familiar) way to break down photos into different communities, so rather than following people like every other social media platform, Splore users follow #hashtags and receive photos from people around the world posting photos with those #hashtags in the caption. If you're into music, follow #bestnewmusic and receive recommendations from musicheads around the world, and jump in the comment section to discuss the album. Into cooking? Follow #recipes and receive photos from people around the world sharing their homemade recipes. People can form communities around any topic they're passionate about and that's what makes this platform so powerful.
We paired this idea with a goal of mine to create one of the most beautiful iOS apps ever created. Every color, animation, icon, and gesture has been meticulously thought through and I hope you all love the experience as much as I do.
Thanks so much for checking out Splore! I'd love to hear your thoughts :)
Splore is a beautifully designed product! Especially love the focus on community (the comment threads!) and content discovery! Excited to see where you guys take it and you'll definitely find me on Splore!
@bshins Thank you Brandon! We're pairing the appeal of visual information with the content discovery tool of an up-vote economy to bring forth an ecosystem that encourages people to showcase their best work. More specifically we hoping creatives use Splore as a foundation to submit and receive feedback from peers with similar interests.
As a passionate hobby photographer, this app is awesome! Really love the simplicity and beautiful design which translates into a great app experience. Congrats on the v2 launch! 🚀
@whoismaxpelzner Thanks for your kinds words! Yeah, we've received positive feedback from the photography community so far. I hope you enjoy our product and I look forward to seeing your Splore posts and hearing your feedback as we move forward 😊
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