Michael Rumiantsau

Mobile A/B Testing Guide - App Store and InApp A/B testing: proven strategies and cases

Complete Guide with hands-on insights into boosting conversion on the App Store and Google Play, plus proven tactics to keep app users engaged via A/B testing. Learn to identify the right elements to test, get a comprehensive roadmap of necessary actions, explore tons of benchmarks and more. Created by SplitMetrics & Apptimize.

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Anton Tatarynovich
Whoho! Thanks for featuring our guide, Michael! We at Splitmetrics teamed up with Apptimize and created a comprehensive guide to A/B testing which will help you grow your mobile business. The first part of the book is dedicated to A/B tests on App Store and GP, and second - to in-app A/B testing. This Guide to Mobile A/B Testing was made like quality olive oil — hand-picked trends of mobile A/B testing were put through a millstone of our experience. In 120 pages, we have collected proven strategies, professional tips, dozens of cases and best practices in all aspects of mobile A/B testing. Our team is happy to share our findings with you, ASO experts and Mobile App Marketing specialists. We hope that you'll enjoy the book and get the tools to conquering the stores with your app! Hugs, SplitMetrics team
Michael Rumiantsau
Splitmetrics created a comprehensive guide to App Store and in-app A/B testing. Check it out if you understand the value of data-driven decisions, as mobile A/B testing might become your go-to solution as it lets you get beyond the guesswork.
Anna Yurchuk
Neat and well-structured guide with all ins & outs on the whole matter of A/B testing. All about traffic, sample size, testing strategy for live & pre-launch apps. The latter is a real diamond of facts as there isn't that much data about this on the Internet. Thanks, guys, kudos!
Liza Knotko
@anna_yurchuk We're so happy you like it 🤩
Tatyana Fernandes

120 pages - seems SplitMetrics have collected all you ever wanted to know about A/B testing - great job!


Great for beginners and experienced ASO gurus.


Can't actually think of any.

Liza Knotko
Thank you for support 🙂
Anya Pozniak
Wow guys! Thanks for releasing such an amazing book. Next step - audio book 😉
@anya_pozniak our educational videos are coming soon!!
Dmitry Kaigorodov
Insider's content? Huh!
Bahram Ismailov
Great work! it's really awesome for everyone who publish mobile apps
@bahram_ismailov thank you! hope it will be handy for you!
Dmitry Dudin
Great! All you need for entering app store optimization best practices hall of fame: complete roadmap of necessary actions, proven tactics for A/B testing, tons of benchmarks and much more!
@nedudi Thank you for the feedback!