Hiten Shah

Sphere - The social network for meditators

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Dhaval Chadha
We started Sphere with the vision of creating a global movement around health, happiness and connection. All of us have experienced first-hand the impact that meditation has on our lives and are excited to share a new approach to teaching it with all of you! We have found that features like calendar integration, a flexible timer and meditations for specific uses (relax, sleep, nerves) are indispensable for a complete meditation experience. Today we're proud to announce that we Sphere combines all these features into a beautifully simple interface. We've chosen the iPhone as our first home and we are already working on Android and web apps!
Finally a useful app for my mind, thank you @dhavalchadha 🙏🏽
Mitka Yanakieva
Looks cool! Trying it right now and will write back with my feedback :)
Hiten Shah
Here's a new meditation app with a "social network" baked in. It lets you invite your friends on Facebook to your tribe and has most of the bells and whistles like other meditation apps. It's cool to see a bit of a different take on an experience in this category. I'm really curious about these type of products that require people to do things offline in conjunction with the app experience. This isn't Instagram, you *have* to do something specific (meditate) while using the app for it to be truly useful to you.
Ryan Hoover
Meditation is typically a solo experience. Interesting direction. cc @yunhajkim
Dhaval Chadha
@rrhoover thanks for the shout-out. Lots more coming in that direction.
Ole Keding
"Meditation Challenges" ... seriously? 😏
Dhaval Chadha
@olekeding Hey Ole! Yeah.. at first I was not a believer either. But in our alpha tests we discovered that this was the single most popular feature in helping people stay motivated. So we decided to move past our reservations and add it in for the people who benefit from the playful nature of challenges to have fun with their friends! Believe me, until we've actually made it to ego-transcendence, this can actually be pretty helpful!
Mikey Siegel
Had the pleasure of trying the beta version of this, and getting to know the creators. I can attest to the depth of wisdom, and good intention that went into this. It's the real deal folks. An app worthy of trusting in to guide a beginning meditation practice and beyond.
Ramon Pedrollo Bez
Looks awesome, Dhaval. Can't wait to try it out.
Dhaval Chadha
Questions? Comments? Ask us anything!
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I really love this (found you on twitter and saw you were on PH 👋). I see a lot of comments that meditation is an individualistic effort but group meditations are very prevelant in yoga tradition. The word yoga means "union" for both the mind/body but also to each other. Can't wait to try Sphere out!
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Annddd already did the first session. Is there any way to change from beginner to advanced after starting the intro course? Also will there be a discovery element down the road? Right now I'm seeing your tribe is only people you invite from FB. Overall, great experience so far!
Dhaval Chadha
Hey @caprihiggins ! Thanks so much for the comment. that's exactly what we have in mind. meditation is not just an stress busting productivity hack. And while those aspects of it are of fundamental to it's benefits, we think that the community and belonging elements are just as important. Lots more coming in that vein shortly!
Dhaval Chadha
Thanks for the comment and questions @caprihiggins. Yes, we will be adding in both of those in the next few weeks. We're grateful for your encouragement!
Shiva Singh Sangwan
Interesting direction. Typically meditation is a solo experience.
Dhaval Chadha
@shivagg In the world of apps yes, but not so much historically. We're bringing the community back! Thanks for the upvote.
Inês Silva
I've been using Sphere for a few months and I really like it. The diversity of sessions is really great!
Innovative, beautiful and well paced. I love it!
Pradeep Sharma
@dhavalchadha, that looks great. Would love to checkout the web app once ready.
Javier Cardenete Morales
In the midst of a turbulent world, we couldn't think of a better time to bring Sphere to light. Hoping you all can benefit from it and share your thoughts with us. Welcome to the Sphere community!
Sahill Poddar
Great work @dhavalchadha and @jcardenete! This is the app I have been waiting for! Meditation has never been easier and so much fun :))) excited to expand my tribe
Dhaval Chadha
Thanks for all the love everyone! Looking forward to your feedback on how we can make the product better over the coming weeks, months and years.
Elie Hirschfeld
This is a great idea!
V  S c h o o l
Super excited about this!
Katherine Krug
Sloane Ortel
Having trouble signing up -- assume the (null)/month plan is not a joke?
Dhaval Chadha
hey @willortel can you email me a description of the issue? dc@joinsphere.com The null plan is a bug. Should be fixed in a couple of days! Enjoy the free content till then :)
robin diakhaté
Installing it now.