Henrik Pettersson

Soulver 3 for Mac - A smart notepad with a built in calculator


Soulver is a smart notepad with a built-in calculator. It gives instant answers to any math it finds in your text. It's a better way to work stuff out than with a traditional calculator, and a more lightweight tool for quick calculations than a spreadsheet.

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Brahim Farhani
Zac Cohan
Just to set the record straight, Numi copied Soulver and not the other way around. Soulver 1 was released in 2005, Soulver 2 in 2010. The Numi developer even thanked me for my syntax ideas by email. This is the third major release of a classic, absolutely original product. @wizardengineer
Zac Cohan
Soulver has been on the Mac since 2005, and so I'm very pleased to announce this new version. Its design was heavily driven by user feedback and I've added all of the most frequently requested features, like dark mode, subtotals and calendar calculations. I hope you also like the new look & icon.
James Young
Big fan of Soulver, will be updating. BTW what is status of iOS app relative to this latest macOS version?
Zac Cohan
@jydesign Soulver 3 uses a new math engine written in Swift (we call it 'S3'), with a lot of new features like calendar calculations & subtotals. Soulver 2 on iOS uses the older 'S2' engine, so unfortunately Soulver 3 for Mac and Soulver 2 for iOS can't sync together. I'm keeping Soulver 2 for iOS & Mac App Stores as products that work well together, until I also have Soulver 3 on iOS.
@jydesign @zcohan do you have any updates?
Zac Cohan
@jydesign @_a0b_ Just released a huge Soulver 3 for Mac update last month (3.5). Nothing to announce on the iOS front yet.
Carles Alcolea
I really like these kinds of apps. But, how is this not a lesser copy of Calca (http://calca.io/)?
Zac Cohan
The developer of Calca was a Soulver user and fan who found it lacking for more scientific and technical operations (like working with matrices), and so he built Calca (about 8 years after the first Soulver was released, for the record ). Unlike Numi, Calca is not a Soulver copy though. Calca has an original UI, without an answer column and a special keystroke to make a line evaluate. It can be more useful for some tasks than Soulver @nmaxcom
Carles Alcolea
@zcohan I stand corrected! Thank you for explaining. From 2005 till now... would you consider open source it so we can all help it grow quicker and further? Calca is great, but I'd love to see a crowd-developed alternate.
Zac Cohan
@nmaxcom As of 3.2, Soulver no longer uses Math.js and has its own all-Swift math engine. This might become open source at some stage.
Carles Alcolea
@zcohan Well, those are important building blocks but they are just that. I'm a strong advocate of OS so I see open source code you'll use to try and profit with closed code. It's perfectly legit and valid so long you follow their licenses, still, I can't help in seeing the irony. And then there's the eternal problem of money. But nowadays there are plenty of OS projects and products that have revenue streams, be it by sponsoring, crowdfunding like Patreon or Opencollective among many many more. You can work alone with limited time and ideas to make a few bucks upon release or you can call in the OS army with their help in all areas (features, bugs etc.) and also make a few bucks while you make the world a better place. Best of luck in whatever you decide! I am me, and I approve my message :) PS: If I may, please make those number-variables scrollable! And if you don't know him already take a look at Bret Victor, a UI inspiration machine.
Zac Cohan
@nmaxcom Personally I don't see any conflict between ethical business and making the world a better place, but I appreciate your perspective. By the way, Soulver 3 actually has scrubbable numbers: hold down shift and hover over a number to show the scrubber. Inspired by Bret Victor's scrubbing calculator, inspired by Soulver 2 :).
Andy Granadzer
Huh.. I'm a proud v.2 user, just got an email, it said: > you can get a special upgrade price of $19.95 – 33% off. I was upset that just anyone on the web can get this special upgrade price.
Zac Cohan
@andy_granadzer I hear you Andy, it's not how I'd ideally want it to work. The problem is I have v2 customers as both direct owners and from the Mac App Store, and it's tricky to verify ownership of the later. Wouldn't be fair to only offer the upgrade pricing to direct owners so I'm essentially giving a big discount to everyone for the sake of existing customers. I'll keep offering the discount after June 30 with proof of Soulver 2 ownership too. So you're still getting a big discount on a nice update.
Nikita Ekshiyan
Not polite to charge money for an update from v2 to v3 (discount is not cool too).
Zac Cohan
@nikita_ekshiyan Soulver is not a subscription, and version 3 is the first paid update in about 10 years.
Henrik Pettersson
Soulver is indispensable if you are ever doing math and have been my go-to ”calculator” on both macOS and iOS for 5(?)+ years now.
@zcohan What's happening with the app store version? Are you offering a cross-grade?
Zac Cohan
@hellotom We're offering everyone a 33% discount till June 30 and hoping existing users (Mac App Store & direct) will get the word.
Fedor Komov

I used to use the previous version.


It can calculate whatever I want!!! Amazing!!!



Ziyang Zheng

I'm a happy Soulver 2 user.


easy to use and powerful features.


does't have a MAS and iOS version, lacking of iCloud syncing.

Andrea Di Marco
Love it! I use Numi and Calca too, but Soulver's simplicity and natural language integration is unbeaten. I wish I could freely set any font in my library though.
Andrea Di Marco
😱 No launchbar integration? 😱
Zac Cohan
@mindplay My goal is to get Soulver in as many places as people will find it useful. Soulver 3 has Alfred integration, Terminal integration, Automator integration, and system-wide services for calculating text anywhere. I've also got a Spotlight-like menu bar & global shortcut triggered version of Soulver coming out later this month, which my beta testers have been really loving. I haven't used Launchbar, but I'll look into it. Thanks for the feedback.
Ben Ho
Great job Zac. I use Soulver everyday. It's indispensable. More than happy to pay for the new version.
Erik van Eykelen
I have Soulver open all day. One of the apps I will always install again on a new Mac while lots of other apps don’t make the cut.
Subtotals! Finally! Love Soulver, my go to calculator for years. The lack of subtotals was a limiting factor for me, but no longer. I too am curious about IOS version of Soulver 3. Needs to happen.
Zac Cohan
@whtrgr Yeah, subtotals were the most frequent feature request I received. I love them too.
girish wadhwani
Some onboarding/examples showing off Soulver's capabilities would be helpful. Maybe more complete examples than those in the help screens?
Zac Cohan
@girish_w Soulver does have a built in reference with lots of examples, which is helpful. https://cl.ly/49743c369048. But you're right, better on-boarding is something I plan on adding. Thank you!
Jono Mallanyk
Instant buy for me. I'm a long time user of Soulver 2, and there are several documents I've made whose value to me have long since paid off the cost of the app. This new version looks great, @zcohan!
Jose Luis Santos
Soulver is the best calculation app in both the MAC app store and IOS store. I have used it since 2005 and it is great
Marc Nothrop
Have been using Soulver for the longest time… before v2 I think. 🤔 It's a great, go to for simple and quick calcs, but also when a spreadsheet is just overkill. @zcohan would you consider getting on SetApp?
Zac Cohan
@transeunt Hey Marc! Great to still have you as a Soulver user after so many years. No plans to do SetApp right now, but maybe one day.
Marc Nothrop
@zcohan no worries, thought of that as path to more visibility (and way to roll out to our team!) After so many years you deserve the upgrade, just waiting for iOS to catch up. :)
Alexey Volkov
Too bad it's Mojave and later only. :(
Zac Cohan
@urbansheep Yeah we require the Swift runtime to be built into macOS, which started happening in 10.14.4.
Amar Singh
Is there a comparison between V2 and V3 - I know it doesn’t have cloud-sync yet etc - but a row by row comparison? Please @zcohan