Naomi Assaraf 🔥

Sort Gmail Inbox by cloudHQ - Find an email in seconds with these free preset filters

Find that email you need in seconds with these free preset filters:
✅ Contacts who you need to respond back to
✅ Contacts who need to respond back to you
✅ Received Date
✅ A specific person
✅ A specific company, like ""
✅ Attachment size & type

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Ramon O.
Is there a way to have the results not include message in trash?
Naomi Assaraf 🔥
@ramon_o_ YES! Working on it rn! Thanks for pointing it out!
Ramon O.
@nassaraf By the way, I went from 6,000 unread emails in my inbox to 0! It was addicting getting rid of all the junk mail!
Naomi Assaraf 🔥
@ramon_o_ ✨AMAZING!! That's such a perfect testimonial! I'd love a review of your experience on the Chrome Web Store if you get a chance:
Ramon O.
@nassaraf Will do! By the way, one thing would make it even better...sorting the unread emails that are only in the inbox. At first I thought there was a way.
Naomi Assaraf 🔥
@ramon_o_ That's amazing! How's that for a #testimonial right there?!
Naomi Assaraf 🔥
***UPDATE ANNOUNCEMENT*** 4/17/20 Hi Hunters, we've just updated this Chrome extension to include: ✅ Sort email by contacts who you need to respond back to ✅ Sort emails by contacts who need to respond back to you ✅ Save emails from a contact to PDF ✅ Save contacts from a contact to a Google Sheet ✅ Get an SMS text notification when a specific contact emails you Updated blog: ***THANK YOU FOR YOUR FEEDBACK*** _______________________________________________________ Hi 👋 hunters! 3/19/20 We know how much you hate having to spend time searching for email. We hate it too! No more searching for the emails you need to find quickly—have the most popular filters set up in your Gmail label area so that you can easily find what you need in seconds. With this free Chrome extension, you'll be able to have your Gmail inbox presorted by: ✅ Email Size ✅ Received Date organized by year, month, or exact date ✅ Unread emails ✅ A specific person ✅ A specific company, like anyone with emails that have the domain "" ✅ Attachment size, and attachment type, too! We hope you like this little gift 🎁 to help keep your productivity going strong 💪 while you might be working from home during this global pandemic. cloudHQ. Helping your productivity, 1 click at a time.
Nuta Blinicheva
@nassaraf Thanks for useful extension! Question: How could I fix it if one person has 3+ emails? Now I see 3 different persons with the same name in the column. I'm get a little upset.
Naomi Assaraf 🔥
@nuta_blinicheva Hi Nuta. That's a good question... just thinking out loud here: maybe we can work around it if the email sender is in your Google contacts where you could have one contact profile with multiple email addresses and have a preset filter by name vs email address. I know it's possible, so let me check on how long that might take to implement. Really great feedback... Thank you 🙏 !
I am really bad at organizing my emails, so this is really helpful. Thank you!
Naomi Assaraf 🔥
@cixliv Here's a secret: we're all terrible at organizing our emails! 😩But this is a great power user move that gets you organized quickly! 💪🏽
Max Mirho
Anything that helps people use Gmail better is something I recommend. Quick question, since I’m sure you’re familiar with the space. are there any plugins that let you put specific emails in a special spot if you need to reference them a few more times before you can archive them?
Naomi Assaraf 🔥
@maxmirho1 Hi Max, why not save those emails to a PDF?
Max Mirho
@nassaraf great point! but then they aren't accessible on gmail the app itself. I want to be able to keep everything on the app!
Naomi Assaraf 🔥
@maxmirho1 Gotcha. Curious why you wouldn't just place those emails in a Gmail label until you want to archive them?
Max Mirho
@nassaraf That's a good point! Usually that's what I do - but they end up being in a separate place from my to-do list, so I guess I get confused. Maybe I should just be more diligent with writing down to-dos from my email inbox!
Blake Whittington 👾
This. Is. AWESOME. Thanks! Why I love Product Hunt -- didn't know how much I needed this until I saw it.
Surjith S M
Please add an option to create Custom Tabs in Gmail or Priority Inbox.
once installed this addon keeps annoying you with emails, push notifications and full screen banners ontop of gmail. Its very very anoying and intrusive! It wants you to install al the other products from cloudHQ