Collaborate with your friends on the same code in real time
Stefano Rosso
Snipper.io β€” Collaborate with your friends on the same code in real time

πŸ‘‹ Hi PH! I'm Stefano and i am the maker of Snipper.io.

I build Snipper.io as a side project last week in just 2 days of development. I wanted to build a tool to make developer's life a little bit easier, so i came up with the idea of an online code editor that lets you share the code with your friend and work on that in real-time.

Cheers 🍻🍻

Achuth Hadnoor
hey , good luck with the launch , I built a code snippet manager https://producthunt.com/posts/sn... do checkout and unfortunately the names are same :) @stefano_rosso1
Stefano Rosso
@achuthhadnoor Thanks for sharing! Very cool project :D I didn't check for other project with the same name unfortunately, it is a super cool name ;)
Ozgur Ozer
@stefano_rosso1 @achuthhadnoor This one has same name too πŸ˜…
Stefano Rosso
@achuthhadnoor @ozgrozer πŸ˜… well I might consider rebranding at some point πŸ˜… maybe next time I'll check the name before launching πŸ€”
Ferruccio Balestreri
hey there fellow italian maker here :)
Stefano Rosso
@frcbls italian makers will rule the world some day 😁😁
Pietro Perona

Easy to share snippet and little code portion with my team an collaborators. Great diff display same Github. Awesome idea guys!


Smart, easy and quick


Cons? No cons!