Snapquiz - quiz with AI
Expand knowledge and challenge skills with causual quizzes!
Le Duc Bao

Snapquiz โ€” Expand knowledge and challenge skills with casual quizzes

Whether you're a trivia aficionado or a curious learner, Snapquiz has something for you. Dive into a vast library of quizzes covering a wide range of subjects, from history and science to pop culture and current events.
Le Duc Bao
Hi Hunters, Exciting news! We've developed an Android app, currently in open-beta, leveraging OpenAI/Gemini AI to craft quizzes and trivia on diverse topics. Android is just the beginning โ€“ stay tuned for the Web and iOS versions. Whether you're a trivia whiz or a knowledge enthusiast, Snapquiz has something special for you. Immerse yourself in a vast library of quizzes spanning history, science, pop culture, and current events. Key Features: ๐ŸŒ Explore over 1000 quizzes curated by users and our expert content team. ๐Ÿง  Test your knowledge in real-time multiplayer quizzes. ๐Ÿš€ Create and share your quizzes, showcasing your expertise. ๐Ÿ“Š Track your progress, earn achievements, and unlock new quiz categories. ๐ŸŒ Discover intriguing topics, expanding your horizons. With Snapquiz, learning transforms into an exciting adventure! Happy quizzing! ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿง ๐ŸŒŸ
Lukas Rรผger
Feature suggestion: In Germany there's an App called "Quizduell" where you basically battle your friends 1:1 by solving trivia questions once a day. I think the perfect new feature for your app would be to add friends and then create trivias for another & solve them in this battle mode. It's fun and really engaging - this could elevate your app to new levels!
Kostya Doronin
Congratulations on the launch. I love quizzes. They make everything clearer and easier to explain. Thanks for the product! Looking forward to more.
Grishma Singh
Finally, now I can increase my negative IQ ๐Ÿง ... Love the concept of the app, will this also come out on IOS ?
Congrats team Snapquiz - quiz with AI on your launch.
Nieraj Bhatnagar
Congratulations, Snapquiz team, this looks like a nice venture, 1000 quizzes with your progress report seems fantastic to me. Wishing you very best of luck for your app...
Like these types of puzzle-solving apps, I have a small suggestion. Would it be more fun if the UI design was a bit more cartoonish?
Lukas Rรผger
@oliver_twistleton Thought the same, right now it looks very neutral. A bit of fun in the UI will push a lot of users, I think
Abhilash Chowdhary
Congrats team Snapquiz - quiz with AI on your the launch. Excited to try the product.
Davu Abwao
Cool app, I like the idea behind it. Congratulations
Great product. I am looking forward to exciting times with this!
Lotanna Nwose
Congrats on the launch!
Adrian Wฤ…sik
Congrats team Snapquiz on the launch!
Zainab Gambo
Wow what a nice one I'm thrilled
Zainab Gambo
I am thrilled really
Samuel Ulenda
Nice one